19 January 2012

So Long.....thanks for all the fish

I have struggled with this blog for a while. Not knowing whether or not to continue it, wanting to but not knowing what to do with it. I'm not really excited about SL much anymore. Fashion is just another victim of my disinterest. Maybe at some point it will continue, but for now, not so much.

So au revoir SL fashion feeds. Thank you for being here as my creative outlet for so long. I look forward to reading all the amazing blogs that are out there keeping us up to date and inspired.



  1. Thank you for years of interesting reading, Joonie. Best of luck for where ever you decide to go in 2012.

  2. *weeps* Awww, that's a shame but I wish you wonderful things in your future. Fingers crossed that maybe you'll pick it back up again someday.

  3. I've been reading your blog a while and always enjoyed it. Good luck! and enjoy life!


  4. Thanks you guys - so much. It was fun to be a part of such an amazingly talented community - SL Bloggers.



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