09 February 2012

Back to Black Event

BACK TO BLACK is OPEN! Click HERE for slurl

Once again, Keira Seerose of CHIC Management is sponsoring a fashion event focusing on Mental Health. Keira writes:

"CHIC all began with my passion to spread the word about mental health and its affect on absolutely everything we do. Including the people we know, how we interact with them, how they react to us… everything. We covered issues that were wide ranging like bullying, to more specific like anorexia nervosa.

This February I’d like to go back to CHIC’s roots and using the reputation CHIC has accumulated over the years remind people about the serious issues that I feel so strongly about."
And that's exactly what's this event, Back to Black, is about. There are some amazing designs out once again. Below are just a few of the items available.

First, The Yoga Studio, from elefantu. It's spacious and bright with awesome textures, yoga mats, chairs and just feels breathable!

Next are these awesome kickass boots from Poppycock. I LOVE them and I think I"ll be choosing my outfits on whether or not they work with these boots!


Which brings me to this adorable, too cute outfit from Izzie's. So cuddly. Perfect for yoga in the Yoga Studio!

The Back to Black Event opens to the public this Saturday, Feb. 11. Be sure to check out the blog for the LM to the event.  CHIC Management blog - Back to Black Event

Hair: Truth Stephanie
Skin: [PF] Alyx - hunt item

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