10 June 2014

New New New...All New!

Yes, my SL is new but before I talk about that, let me just reassure those of you who asked that nothing burned after all. Yep, Turkey Day went off as planned. Turkey, dressing, gravy, sweet potatoes (with baby marshmallows), brussel sprouts with bacon bits, rolls (with butter), and pumpkin spice delight. A veritable heart attack waiting to happen. But no heart attack did happen, so I am here, your faithful blogger, bringing you the latest and greatest in Just Joonie's silly little SL extravaganza.

Well, first, I downsized my land. With all the stock markets desperately trying to meet their makers and the real estate market in the toilet, I thought it was time to give up my 1/2 open sim and move to a smaller piece of land. With that came the dreaded prim loss and a new, lower prim house. It was fun putting out trees and shrubs and flowers and then having to go back and remove said trees, shrubs and flowers so I could have a bed that didn't look like...well, like I had made it! Fun times!

While out on my third go round of landscape removal, I saw on my mini map that my neighbor was outside. In an effort to be a "good" neighbor (had nothing to do with the fact that he was hawt, hawt, hawt) I pushed my hair around my face and pushed my cleavage even higher and im'd him to introduce myself. He asked to come over and see what I had done so far (baby, we haven't even BEGUN!) and then invited me over to his place.

Our houses couldn't BE more different. Mine is cozy, enchanting, and whimsical. His has sleek modern lines with color coordinated everything. Very nice, actually. Back outside..erm...um...he showed me his boat..yes he did. And asked if I wanted to take it for a spin. I demurely answered yes...batting my ever moving eyelashes...and jumped in. I was no wimp! I've been in SL over two years. Stand BACK while I impress with my ability to .....oops.

He assessed the damages. He was very kind. I offered to pay.
Thus ends this friendship.
I felt so bad, but I couldn't stop laughing. I'm sure it was my nervous laugh. You know the one. It starts off with a *giggle* then a little lower case *lol*....and before it was over I was
"hahahahahahahahahahaha" all over the chat screen.
I don't think we have the same sense of humor. C'est la vie!
In my horror I decided to drown my sorrows, but all I could find was this shallow water.

Oh the angst of it all. I'm sure we were destined for true love.
Or maybe not.
Stay tuned for more misadventures of Joonie in SL!
SL - where the fun never dies - only our bodies from lack of sleep.
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  1. HAHAHAHAHAHHA Oh Joonie! What an great story! I'm in tears of laughter right now. Love the pictures :)

  2. LMAO! Love the way you tell the story. And hey, at least you made yourself unforgetable for him, haha

  3. *giggles*.....lol


    Nice to see you blogging again, Joonie. And damn, what a funny story. I'm glad you didn't drown, too.


  4. Joonie, I too need kleenex after that story!!! LOL. The pictures are awesome too. :D Love the dramatic water ones!! What adventures you have and we are lucky enough to read.

    Your dinner sounds yummy yum, a veritable feast. And your new land sounds good too. Especially with a hawt neighbor (I'm sure he will let you try the boat again!!!) Sometimes downsizing and cleaning out are good things, they make us pick what's really important. That said, prim limits suck. :( Isn't it supposed to be "your world, your way" or some BS???

    Happy December JJ--can't wait to see what the JustJoonie holiday blog posts will bring. Thank you for the most excellent laugh I have had in a while. /me hugs Joonie.

    Love you!

  5. As always your humour is tinged with a sadness, that I hope will one day melt away and be replaced with your phoenix within.....or something like that.

  6. Thanks you guys! It was fun writing it. :) And it's good to be back to blogging! I missed it.

    Love you guys!


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