05 October 2014

Little Girl Lost

Truth Hair - Aviva/ Glam Affair Skin - Lindsey

Hair: Truth - Aviva
Skin: Glam Affair - Lindsey
 Eyes: Dead ApplesShoes and Socks: Mikunch
Top and Skirt: MotiAme
Necklace: ieQED
Bookcase: Thistle - Little Public 
LibraryBench: Botanical - Log Seat
Stoney Path Light - Dysfunctional Designs
House: Culprit - Wayfarer's Rest
Tree: Botanical - Autumn Linden Tree
Flowers (white left) : ~*GoD*~ - Belles
Flowers (small white right): Skye - Spring flowers
Grass: [we're closed] - grass field green

*I'm having some SL issues where I'm crashing after 5 - 10 mins. As soon as I figure this out, I'll add the slurls. Some can be found on other posts. Sorry and I'll add as soon as I can! ♥

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