26 November 2008


Tonight, I am busy in the kitchen preparing yumminess for tomorrow. While things are cooling off and baking, I want to pop in here and share a few things I'm thankful for.

I am thankful for the people in my life, both First and Second. Friends are what get us through the hard, difficult times and who we share the laughter and fun with. I have had a so much fun this year and met so many awesome people through SL and Plurk. I love you guys and hope you know I'm here for you.

I'm thankful for the love of my life. You know who you are! :)

So many little things I'm grateful for....the blue sky, the moon, the sun, the stars, my life. I'm not always the happiest camper, but I am a grateful one.

At the moment, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with cooking as I don't do it very often. And feeling a bit melancholy thinking of my childhood and big Thanksgiving meals surrounded with relatives and friends. But I know I can create new traditions and cherish the people in my life today.

I wish for all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Tell someone you love them. You may not get another chance.

*Big Grateful Hugs to All of YOU*

uh oh...I think I smell something burning!!!! ;-)


  1. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in here, so I'm already feeling all Christmassy... I've been thinking about things I'm thankful for though, rather because of the fact that the end of the year's approaching and I've been evaluating...guess I should blog about that :)

  2. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving & good luck with the cooking (I'm sure you'll do a better job than I would :))

  3. Joonie,
    Here's hoping your Thanksgiving yumminess was indeed yummy! Your post was, and I am thankful for YOU!

    Happy Thanksgiving night, JJ.
    Love you!

  4. Happy thanksgiving Joonie! I"m thankful you're my friend and I'm thankful you are back on the blog scene. Thanks for the link!

    Aimee xoxox


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