13 December 2008

Girl(?) Talk

Last night, as I was getting ready to log, I got an IM from my friend, Blissie Boucher. Bliss is very generous with her friends and has a big heart. She's very giving of herself. So I was so happy when she told me she had her very own place in SL and asked if I'd like to see it. Of course, I said YES!
Isn't this adorable? She made it for her friends as a gathering place. We can pop in whenever we want! See? I told you she was generous. But the coolest thing of all is that this is the first time Bliss has ever purchased land of her own and designed her own house. I'm so happy for her. Sometimes I think I have leaned too hard on the other people in my life to make me happy, rather than going out and finding my own happiness. So this was especially cool to see one of my friends take charge of her SLife.
So let's take a peek inside and see what Bliss has done, k? come on!

OMG...see how generous she is!! Cupcakes for everyone! This is on the right when you walk in! A bakery case filled with lovely confections guaranteed not to go to your hips!
Awww...thanks Bliss! :))) She really thinks of everything.

On the other end to the left as you walk in is the fireplace with this plaque hanging over it.
This is a wonderful reminder to all of us to not give in, even when there is pressure from all sides to fit in. I love this saying and it makes me feel strong.
SL, for all it's imagination, has a way of making me feel like I have to fit a certain mold or I won't be accepted by the 'cool' kids.
This reminds me not to give in to my own need or desire to do that.
Everyone knows the cool kids are those that are just themselves, right?

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