15 December 2008

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is over, but one of our very own SL'ers, Grace McDunnough, has come up with the idea to give Thanks for 3 things once a week on this website, Three Thanks. This gorgeous image of the Aurora Borealis is on the list of things she is grateful for. Found in Nature...doesn't cost a thing.
I love the idea of this. And although my 3 thanks are simple things, they remind me that, no matter how bad things might get monetarily, the important things in life have very little, if anything, to do with money.
I hope all of you know that the gift of yourself, of your time, to those you love and who love you, is the greatest gift that you could ever give.
And an iPhone, of course.... ;-)
So, what are you waiting for? Go over and share what you're grateful for this holiday, even if it is your iPhone! LOL !
Hugs and happy Holidays!


  1. Mhm, this works. At a time when I wasn't feeling all that great, I got over it by a simple routine -Every evening I would tell myself: Today was a good day, because ____ And I had to come up with at least one good thing that happened during that day, even a little one. At first it was hard and I was being sarcasting, but in a few weeks time it seemed that it wasn't all that hard to think of something because the positive thoughts started to come naturally... and I figured my life's full of goodness :) Guess I should get back to that habit, it got me thinking in a whole new way.

  2. Yeah, I am out of that habit too, but I know it works. I used to list 5 things I was grateful for every night before sleep. The more I did it the faster the 5 things came and sometimes I went way beyond 5!! So I will head over and list my three things. Thanks for the reminder, Joonie! I am grateful for you and your blog!!

  3. Me too, B! Hard to feel sorry for myself and blame everyone else when I'm feeling so grateful and content! LOL

    Pinky, I'm so glad you're going to participate!

    Hope other's do too! :) It's not easy, tho. I think human nature would rather piss and moan and blame. hahahah! ;-)


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