19 December 2008

10 Things

It's Friday, I'm sleepy, and happy. Going to lunch with a friend in about 30 mins. Yay!

I saw this tag over at Bitter's and instantly knew I had to do it, too:

10 Things I Wish I Could Say To 10 Different People Right Now

1. You are a good person. I know people don't understand you, and I'm not pretending I do 100%, but I know your heart. I know you love people deeply and would never hurt anyone on purpose. And I know you act the way you do to protect yourself...to see who really cares enough to stand by you and take the time to get to know you. I want you to know that I will always be here for you.

2. Seems you like to come across as an egotistical twit. But I have learned so much from you. I'm glad we met and I am a better person because we did.

3. I want to say thank you for your friendship, but I'm not so sure anymore if we are friends.

4. I'm sorry I couldn't be the person you thought I was.

5. I will never forget that beautiful night. Please get help.

6. I miss you. I don't know where you are or if there is a heaven, but I hope you are happy. Sometimes, I feel your presence with me and it makes me smile.

7. Marry me.

8. I feel the same way. Thank you for taking the time to tell me.

9. I thought I knew you. I thought you knew me, too. Now I know better. Let go of your need for revenge, if you can. It will make your life better and you will feel better about yourself. Your actions aren't hurting me nearly as much as they are you.

10. Thank you for believing in me. Your confidence in me helped me believe in myself.


  1. I'm in love with this list! Every word, every iota of punctuation. I just love it. Completely and without reservation.....

  2. I love the list Joonie. It makes me think on all sorts of levels. It also oddly interests me in marrying you :) JK!!!!!

    Thanks for deep thinking :)

  3. Hmmmmm....I can't help but wonder if any of the messages is to me. That of course, is because I am the center of the universe! :-) I love this also, Joonie. And I'm so glad you're blogging again. You're writing is wonderful in so many ways. Thank you. :-)

  4. @ bigd - *smiles* I loved doing it.

    @ Kim - how did you know #7 was for you? Please dump that Blissie girl pronto. We an plan the wedding later. Maybe Blissie can be a bridesmaid.

    @ Bitter - yes, very cathartic! Thanks for starting it! *hugs*

    @ Crighton - they are all for you, didn't you know? ;-) lol


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