18 December 2008

View from a Tree Limb

I love sitting in the huge oak tree in front of my house. It's a good tree. I find solace there.
It's been a good tree to a few friends, as well. It's big, welcoming branches reach out and envelope you. They are strong and can carry a heavy load.
And the best part is...no one can find you.
If you ever need a place to hide, just let me know. :)
nini...sweet dreams to us all.
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1 comment:

  1. Another gorgeous photo Joonie! Love the moon and the colors. Your tree sounds wonderful. I would like to be in it now, swaying in the warm breeze...as it is the rain is falling and it is blowing sideways on this winter day. Thanks for taking me somewhere wonderful for a bit!
    Love you JJ!


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