29 December 2008

What Lies Behind Us

I am so sick, sore throat and sinus crap and slight fever. I tried to sleep...but I guess since I slept like a million hours, my body is having none of it.
So I thought I'd blog these pics I've had. It was after an interesting night in SL, which, for me means, talking to people about any and everything. These are random pics and not in any particular order.
This one is at Chouchou and captures how I was feeling at the time. It's difficult sometimes to work out relationship stuff in SL. But I find the time I'm willing to put into a relationship pays back dividends in the long run....most of the time. I guess it depends on who the relationship is with and how much you care about the person and how much they care about you.
This one is very special to me.
This one is at one of my fave haunts...Templum ex Obscurum. It is currently
owned and managed by CuWynn Deerhunter and was originally created by Baron Grayson, who, btw, is having a birthday party as I type this. I was hoping to go but just don't feel up to it. I know I'm missing lots of fun and the chance to celebrate the birth of one of SL's most talented creators.
So Happy Birthday, Baron! And thank you for the spaces you create.
In this pic, I am wondering what lies ahead, seeing what lies behind. Is it best not to know what lies ahead? I will always bring what went before into what lies ahead. The events of the past, for better or for worse, create who I am today.
And another by CuWynne Deerhunter. This is Cu Mara... a wintry wonderland. I love this pic.
In it, I can see both the Sun and the Moon...together, side by side.

This one is taken at Garden of Sorrows at Midsomer Isle. It sounds all doom and gloom, but it's a very peaceful place to come and just be alone or with a good friend.
I love taking portraits and I think this one captures bigd's aura of moody goodness.
He is part dark and brooding and part sweet, funny man.
Thanks for sitting still for so long!

I have no clue what lies ahead, and what lies behind is just that...behind.
I must rememeber that all I have is this day and that the decisions I make in this day...in this moment....will determine a lot of what my tomorrows will look like.
I hope to make them wisely, following my heart, and with wisdom.
Happy 2009 if I don't wake up again until then.
*hugs and love*
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  1. get better Joonie :) I love the post... lots of good stuff ahead for all of us I think.

    sleep well and dream good things!


  2. Joonie, I hope you are feeling better by now! These pictures are wonderful--so evocative. I love your philosophy of letting the past be in the past ahd going forward with courage, making good decisions. A great way to go into the new year.

    Love you JJ!

  3. Dark and sweet? I like chocolate. This will be a great year for one and all.

    And, if I may..... Thanks for your blogging this past year. You've always written from your heart. Can't go wrong as long as you follow that. Looking forward to the coming year :).

  4. I love your pics! They're beautiful. :)

    What lies ahead..? CUPCAKES! Hoooo!


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