25 January 2009

Joonie's Journey

Joonie is all packed up and waiting on the boat that will take her to the airport. Maybe it will be a pontoon boat. Or a simple rowboat. It doesn't really matter, as long as it takes her away for a while.
As she sits here pondering where she will go first....the people she will miss....and the people she won't....she also wonders if anyone will miss her. She hopes she has made some positive impact on someone's slife. She knows she has wrecked havoc on a few, although that was never her intention. She will be glad to get away for a little while and hopes the people she cares about find happiness and joy in her absence.
She's not sure what time it is....must be early morning. She's had her coffee...two cups actually. She never smokes but she's a bit nervous this morning. She wonders if she will miss her Slife and her new home. But she knows it will all be here when she returns.
Wish her well on her journey. Hopefully, she will make some new discoveries about herself while she's away. A change of scenery is always a good thing. New sights and new sensations. Clear the head and the heart.
She promises to send postcards now and then.
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  1. Hope Joonie will have a great time wherever she's going :)

  2. /me waves wildly at departing Joonie. Have a wonderful adventure, Joon, but don't forget about us and hurry back!!!!!

    Love you!

  3. BC - me too! LOL I'm sure she will...she loves adventures! ;-)

    PDV - thanks for seeing me off! LOL Forget? Nevah!

  4. /me waves from the shore, wishing Joonie the best on her adventure.

  5. Can I have Joonie's inventory of like 80 bajillion items? Just Kidding!



  6. LMAO!!

    NO, Papaya, you may NOT! hahahaha! Cos you know she'll be back! ;-) She's just on holiday.

    Thanks Casandra! :D

  7. I miss you already, Joonie. I hope you enjoy your journey and that it is a fruitful one. You've made a positive impact on my life, SL and otherwise. I hope I've done the same in return.

    I hope to see you soon. Love ya and big hugs.


  8. :D *hugs you tight* but not too tight! :D ty C! You are my BFF! love ya!

  9. Bon Voyage, JoonieGirl. Have a super, duper wonderful time where ever your journey takes you. We will all be looking forward to those postcards and the oodles of film you bring back with you. I am so glad you entered my SLife. You are an amazing woman. Thank you.

  10. tysm Parker! I just need to clear my head. I know you understand. Thank you for that. *hugs*

  11. J. Please, stop wondering if someone will miss you. A lot of people will (me included). Don't you see? About the impact. I can not talk about the others, but for me you have been a source of inspiration and your blog has been a place to feel safe. A change of scenary helps, Take your time but come back. It doesn't minds the time.

  12. TY Trouble! Mwah! So good to see you here.


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