30 January 2009

Same Damned Thing

What if we all wore the same damned thing?

I am no fashion blogger, thank god, but this looked like fun!

To be honest, the shirt from Armidi was hiding in the back of my closet...with the tags still on it.
I may never take it off now!
The different looks were awsome. I am continuously amazed at the creativity in the Fashion World.
And to you fashion bloggers, I am forever grateful!

This was so much more difficult and time-consuming than I ever realized. LOL !
A royal pain in the ass! Not the dressing...but the photoing and just ... ugh!

SHIRT - Armidi {Gisaci} Cambridge Cuffed Shirt
LEGGINGS - S.Y.D. leggings (red)
VEST - ALB Leon/Leoni (POE Globe Gift)
SHOES - Shiny Things - Boho Sandals (black)
BRACELET - Zaara - Melange Bangles (blue)
EARRINGS - Beck's Platinum Hoops
EYES - EyeLife Animated Eyes by INSOLENCE
HAIR - ETD Laine Blonde
SKIN - Beauty Avatar Couture - Rachele Natural Skin 09
(you would know it would be something like this to get me back ;))

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. JoonieGirl, you have a great fashion sense. You may have worked hard on the posing but you look great. If I were to dig into my inventory I would find a ton of stuff with the tags still on that I have probably had for ever.

  3. You look lovely! I really like that POE vest -- sad that I missed it!

  4. Joonie, I have that shirt in my closet too...I even wear it sometimes, but it never looks like THAT!!! Dayum! :D


  5. Thanks all of you. You're too sweet!

    It was a LOT of fun to do, just more work/time than I ever anticipated. I always respected the time and creativity put into the fashion blogs/bloggers and this made me even more appreciative.

    It was fun, tho! I was in the zone! LOL

    Thank you, Achariya, for this fun idea. :)


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