14 January 2009


Wow...so much drama...so little time! LOLZ

Let me rephrase that. So much POTENTIAL drama, so little time to indulge in it.
Srsly, if I wanted, I could be involved in drama all over the grid. And to be honest, I used to
indulge in it somewhat consciously and sometimes, just because I let other people push my buttons. I 'reacted' to what was being said to and about me. Confrontation was the name of my
game. Bring it on! I was ready for a throw down. Years of pent up anger came spewing forth some time around my 1 year rez date. Why? I dunno really. I wasn't a noobie anymore and I was feeling more confident...which for me...translated into a bigger ego. Kind of the equivalent of "Don't you know who I am?" lol

Which is really hilarious because who I am is just another pixelated person on the grid. I am not a SLebrety. I know a few so-called SLebreties. They are, for the most part, very nice. And their status is earned and deserved. But nope, not me. I'm really just joonie. :)

Today, my life in SL is fairly mellow. I am "asked" to get involved sometimes in other people's drama, but I refuse. My buttons are still pushed from time to time, but I have found that 1) I don't wear them quite so close to the surface and 2) if I can just take a deep breath and remember that everyone has the right to their opinion and their bad day, I can usually diffuse the inner need to confront and walk away.
Now I'm not talking about the drama that comes when someone is being abusive or attacking someone's reputation. But there are ways to address that without getting people involved that are not a part of it in the first place.
Why am I sharing this? Because my SL has become so much better and enjoyable away from all that. And in turn, my RL doesn't consist of whirling like a dervish after I've logged off of SL. At least not about things that really have nothing to do with me. I have my own inner turmoil of my own making, but that is between me and...well...me. LOL

And I'll tell you a little secret. If you don't feed the drama....it goes away! *nods*

Now I know that drama and gossip can be fun. I've indulged. But for me, at some point, it became tedious, boring, and not all that much fun. Plus, I didn't feel all that great about myself. But that's just me. For those of you who love that stuff...may the Force be with you! Just keep it over there...away from me. tyvm! LOL

Love you all and thanks for being a part of my SL. Drama or not.



  1. I..



    And your blog. :)

  2. Joonie, Drama is way overrated! Sometimes I am in it before I realize it and have to slowly back away LOL, but you are right, if you ignore it it goes away. And that's a very good thing.

    Change is good, excitment is good, variety is good...sometimes drama gets confused with those things. SL seems to have a higher percentage of drama than RL.

    Your post was great, a good reminder that we get to choose whether or not to play.

    Love you JJ!

  3. Joonie :)

    Great post. I always love your thoughts and you articulate so well what so many never say.

    Thank you and I'm glad to have you in Slife!



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