11 January 2009

The "C" Word

Today is the anniversary of my mom's death. She died of cancer. Malignant melanoma. I don't go in the sun much anymore.

Today, there was a celebration of one of SL's most talented residents, Valiant Strangelove. She died of cancer on Tuesday. Anyone who has ever been to the Visit Mexico sim has been affected by Valiant. She worked tiredlessly to get that sim going, along with Lester Nefarious.

If you love music in SL, or enjoy the music of Max Kleene or Dann Numbers and many more, you have Valiant to thank for giving them their start in SL.

Definition of Cancer:

1. Pathology.
a malignant and invasive growth or tumor, esp. one originating in epithelium, tending to recur after excision and to metastasize to other sites.
any disease characterized by such growths.
any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively; blight.

Please help get rid of this insidious disease that effects so many people from all walks of life. You can help by contacting the American Cancer Society or by getting involved with Relay for Life in Second Life. Just search Relay for Life or contact me inworld.

Thank you for caring....and hugs to all of you who know someone effected by this disease and/or have lost someone because of it. Millions are surviving every day.

We will miss you, Val. Thank you for all you did.


  1. Skin Cancer. When the Doctor told me that, I initially just sloughed it off. I just thought it was pay back for too many years in the sun with the water reflecting off the ocean. I figured that it was all part of the game.

    But the more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I thought about children and wife left behind and it really scared me.

    I went back for the follow up. Yes it was cancer and it had to come off. So off it came. A nice little chunk behind my left ear.

    I was lucky, I am lucky. I limit sun time and always cover up. I'm not that teenager or dude in his twenties that had not a care how dark I got. My vanity was replaced by other more pertinent issues.

    Please give generously to the causes Joonie spoke of. Some wonderful things can happen due to sunscreen and hats.

  2. woah. I had no idea Valiant died. I worked with her on a machinima about a year ago. She was a fabulous, friendly person who will be missed.

    FU cancer.

  3. This deserves a separate comment. We have talked about what it is like to lose your mom. I know how hard it is every day and the anniversaries are even worse. I will keep you in my thoughts. Long quiet hugs for you Joonie.

  4. bigd - I'm so glad to learn of another survivor! Especially you! :) Thanks for sharing your story here. I don't know why I didn't mention it last night. I'm not sure I was connecting the dots or aware that I was...upset. thanks for the hug.

    Ches - I didn't know Val well, we spoke a few times, but she was always so nice and I admired her. YES! FU cancer! *hugs* thanks for your comments :)

  5. (((((Joonie))))))
    Sad but wonderful post. I hope that good memories and good love got you through a tough day.

    I did not know Valiant but I enjoyed the fruits of her labors and SL is so much better for her having been there.

    FU cancer is right! Fighting is the best strategy, and you are right, people are surviving AND there are ways to help in the fight. I signed up to volunteer with RFL in SL. I have no idea what I'll be doing but I know they are starting to gear up for the 2009 relay.

    We can also fight by prevention--wear a hat, wear sunscreen, get a mammogram, get a colonoscopy, a prostate exam, eat fiber, lose weight, be proactive in our own fight. We know so much more than we used to and we should use that.

    Lots of love and hugs to you Joonie!

    xoxo, PDV

  6. This is indeed a tragedy for anyone close to someone who has cancer. In fact I was informed just before Christmas that a friend of my daughter, a boy, 10 years old, has cancer. I can understand now, what a family must go through.
    So I think, Joonie, I know what you had to endure with your mom....although I will never completely understand of course, because that is really personal.

  7. Thanks Looker. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son. It's sad to see chidren become ill with any disease, but the word "cancer" is so scary.

    My best to your friend and his family. Thanks for stopping by! :)


  8. My most sincere admiration for your mom and for Valiant, and for the people they left in this crying word and will never forget them.

    Double hugs from Tr.

  9. Joonie -
    I'm so sorry about your mom and that vicious thing that took her. Cancer is a hideous dragon. Someday, I hope beyond all hope, it will be a dragon none of us have to slay because it is simply something written about in stories from long ago.

    Cheers to all the good things we can do to contribute and the hugs we should give to those around us. Life is short!

  10. It has been three years since Valiant left us. I still miss her. I have scripts in SL that I wrote that use her name as a variable. Somewhere in SL, her name is still being said daily.

    When I first came to SL, Valiant hung out with me. After three weeks, she got sick of my bizarro shape, skin, hair and clothing. She took me shopping and did a redo of my avatar. Loved her for that and I was in shock when a mutual friend told me she had passed.

    Sleep well, darlin. You are missed.

    -Treat Rothschild


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