20 February 2009

No Longer Waiting...Found It!

It was inside me all along....

Today is my birthday. I've decided to make some very difficult but important decisions.
I want my life to be open to new possibilities. So I have done some things to make
room for new people, new adventures, new opportunities for my life.

I don't know what this year will bring. But in order to make true friends and
live MY life, I needed to take a cold, hard look at the people currently in my
life and slife and face some facts. It was painful and not easy. I'm glad I found
the strength to look, tho, and to face things straight on.

Sometimes I want something so badly that I'm unwilling to see the truth
staring me in the face. I want to believe that I am loved and valued by those
people who say they are my friends. And it so sux when you realize that
it's just words.

BUT..and here's the icing on the cake (chocolate birthday cake, of course!) Once we
face the cold, hard truth, we are able to make decisions that are very freeing. Rather
than demanding and pushing and wanting someone to be who we want them to be,
we are free to make our own way, create our own lives and listen to our own heart.
Being needy is human, but there comes a time when we have to stand on our own
two feet and give ourselves the love and value we are looking for "out there."

So, on this day, my present to myself is freedom. I need this so badly. I think SL
has done a dance on my heart and mind...and not a good one! LOL But why give
other people the power to do that? Why indeed. What am I so afraid of? Why have
I been abdicating my own life to other people and giving my power away? I don't know
the answer to that. I need to figure it out.

Today I am a force to be reckoned with. Look out world. And if you don't like me, that's
ok. I am who I am. My heart is pure and loving, my mind is creative and fun-loving,
and if you don't like it, you can kiss my ass. How's that for affirmation? ;-)

Thanks for reading. I hope you do the same for yourself.

And thanks Dom, Pinky, Sands, Blissie, Papaya, Casey, Dyami, Trouble, Bailey, Aimee, Bon and all of my friends for
being an inspiration to me in one way or another.



  1. Joonie, first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope your day is fantastic, and it sounds like it already is!

    I love the strength and wisdom in your post. You are speaking the truth here, and we all need to hear it, as painful as it might be. Freedom and power are in us, but we can't see them if we are looking outside. I need to remember that. Thanks for reminding me.

    Thank you for your blog, for your honesty, and for sharing yourself with us. You are such a gift and I love you! Happy Happy Birthday!


  2. happy happy birthday joonie! You are actually loved and valued by all your friends specially by me. I feel proud for knowing a wonderful being like you.

    I do not know what the new year will be but I am sure you will make it definitely amazing.

    Many hugs from Tr.

  3. Happy Birthday Joonie! We wish you the BEST DAY EVER!!! We love you and will always be there for you!

    Casey & Papaya

  4. Happy birthday! Seeing the truth as it is is particularily difficult. I don't even know if people are capable of that because we're bound to keep seeing things subjectively. The cool thing is that you can always always decide how you want to live your life and start again as many times as you need. Have a great day and as long as you'll stay the amazing person you are, I'm pretty sure it'll be a kick ass year! Hugs!

  5. I understand where you are coming from. You are a great person, and you have every right to do what you need to, to make your life right. If others can't deal, then you're right,they can kiss yer ass!! Have a wonderful Birthday!!


  6. OMG! Happy Birthday, Joonie! :) Best wishes for many, many more!

    I'm very thankful to have you in my SL.

    I think it's really hard to stand on your own two feet and define yourself (especially in SL)..but I think that sometimes you have to let go (and not leave claw marks) in order to do it. :) some smart chick told me that.


  7. Friends always surprise you; they tend to fail in the daily, small moments, but they raise when you truly need them... and seeing the commments I believe you have a very good bunch of them :-)

    Happy birthday, Joonie *smiles and kisses your cheek*

  8. shoulda left long ago Joonie

  9. stuffs the sock back in EnCore's mouth........... :)

    Happy Birthday Joonie!

    Just think what wondrous things could be in store this year :)

  10. Thank you, everyone! Your comments were so nice and I feel very lucky to have eacho of them on this birthday. yep, even your's EM. Helps me learn and be grateful.

    *puts the other sock in her mouth*

    *squeezes everyone tight*


  11. Happy Birthday, Joonie. I hope all your wishes come true.


  12. Happy Birthday Joonie! I hope this year brings you joy and peace
    love you girl!


  13. @Crighton - tysm! I just read this! *hugs*

    @Aimee - thanks! I think it will! Hope you are happy, too. I've missed you! What's up with you?


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