14 February 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Or whatever. My night started off rather boring. I was at my house, minding my own business, lamenting the fact that I have no one to call my own this year. *sigh*

When out of nowhere, this short stuff showed up, waving her bow and arrow around
and making threats! OMG...it's CUPID! RUUUUUUNNN!!!!

Ah..but I was too late! She got me right in the tush! Probably helped
that I didn't have much covering it!
And who is this? And why do I feel strangely attracted to her?

Damn that Cupid! Oh well, when in Rome....
before I knew what I was doing....I was doing!
Oh mah gawd...what HAVE I done? oh the shame....

There was only one thing left to do......

Have a slumber party! What were YOU thinking? pfft!
You boys and your fantasies!

Hope everyone has a fun, sweet, wonderful Valentine's Day.
I'd like to thank Pinky Devinna for playing the part of my lesbian love goddess.
And I'd like to thank Aeryn Lovencraft for playing Cupid.
Without her/him...erm....Cupid, none of this would have been possible!
or would it? hmmmmm?

Happy VD!
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1 comment:

  1. Woot! What a fun Valentine's night that was. Thanks, Joonie, and Cupid too!!! :D



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