15 February 2009

Some days...

...life hands you the bitter fruit of your past choices. The only thing to be
done is to acknowledge that they are, indeed, of your own making.
And after some gloomy contemplation, hold your head up and see
the bright and shiny future on the horizon.
Or you can throw them on the ground and stomp on them and curse the
giver of the fruit. Both are mutually satisfying. I recommend both. The latter first and then ending, hopefully, with the former.
Today is such a day for me. I shed a few tears and am now looking out to the east where
I see a bright shiny day approaching. Let's hope I don't f*** this one up! LOL
I lied and told her I loved her,
She didnt care, but anyway
I told her we'd still be friends,
And she didnt care, but anyway
I tried last week for to call her,
She wasnt home, but anyway
I think Ill spend my life alone,
I really dont care right now, but anyway
Its a state of affairs and a state of emotions
The kind of thing that you must understand
I tell you one thing; you tell me another
We walk away, maybe then shake hands
I'm quitting cigarette smoking
It's bad for me, but anyway
I dont think the tv was joking
When it told me this, but anyway
The newsman said not to sit on strange toilet seats
Its my life hes trying to save, but anyway
I found out that Ive got eye cancer
Too many television waves, but anyway
Some day an answer will find us
Quite a long shot, but anyway
I think the past, the past is behind us
Be real confusing if not, but anway
I put all my hope in tomorrow
Its gonna be great, I can tell but anyway
I see a new, a new day a dawning
I like to sleep late, oh well, but anyway
Its a state of affairs and a state of emotions
The kind of thing that you must understand
I tell you one thing; you tell me another
We walk away, maybe then shake hands

Blues Traveller - But Anyway

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