01 February 2009


I have more questions than answers this morning....

Like why do I seem to always cut my feet off in my pics?
Why did I feel the need to delete my last post?
How many times will Joonie stand up and dust herself off and start over?
And....now what?
One door closes...another one blah blah blah....
I know there's a lot of good stuff out there. I've read the Secret. I believe in a Higher Power. I meditate. I ruminate. I conjugate?
I take breaks. I breathe. I moan, complain, bitch, and start over...just like many of you.
I pray, I stomp my feet, then I pray some more.
I cry, uncontrollably at times, I am sad, mad, happy, glad.
I'm all that. I'm the human experience. The full realm of emotions...I let it all in and feel
it when it all goes awry. Never think I don't feel it. I do..deeply.
But for some unknown reason, I continue to pick myself up, dust myself off, and go on.
Why? Why not just click the 'x' and be done?

For some truly unknown reason, I still have hope.
Hope in you and in me and in the goodness of all people.
I know....some are psychotic, some seem beyond any shred of goodness.
But I do believe, somewhere deep inside, shrouded by who knows what or wants to know, there is
some goodness, some little bit of light there trying to get out. All covered up by
damage that you and I may have had nothing to do with.

So, heeeeeere's Joonie. LOL No, I am not your saviour. I cannot help you bring
that deeply buried light out. But I promise I will not do anything to dampen it or make it dim.

Thanks for reading.
Just Joonie...trying again.
I dunno...
Why not?


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  1. Questioning always sound to me as the beginning - usually the beginning of a new life cycle. My best wishes for this new stage, sweetie !

  2. What a great post for a Monday morning Joonie! You have condensed the human experience down here very well. And you end with hope which gives me some too :)

    Life and people are messy, but you are right , we are all trying to get along in the world with the baggage we drag along. Here's to lightening our load and not dimming our own, or anyone else's, light.

    Can you write an inspirational post for every Monday morning? :D

    Love you JJ!

  3. Thanks Summer and Pinky! :D

    /me kicks Crighton! I won't say where!! ;-)

    *hugs* you all. thanks for being so supportive of me and my weirdness! hahaha!


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