29 March 2009

All Good Things

So the last few posts have been on the silly side. I love doing them and
I hope you enjoy them. I was hoping this pic would speak to me somehow. I really like it,
and I think I look good here! LOL But there's something behind those eyes. I can't quite grasp what it is. At first thought it might be sadness...but I don't think so. I think it might be a hint of anger. There seems to be a cold steel in the blue.
I was talking to a good friend tonight, well several actually...and had some really good convos. We are all on such different journeys in life and in SLife. If we're lucky, we meet kindred spirits and we get to travel together for a while.
Nope, not going there tonight. Can't get all philosophical and emo...I've been doing so good lately!
I think sometimes people think I'm cold. heartless. mean. uncaring. Because of the way I do things. When I'm done, I'm done. When it's over, it's over. I don't see the point in dragging it on and on and on. That's not exactly true either. Bear with me folks..I'm working some stuff out here. See, I will hang on to someone long after they've moved on. It sux. But I hate saying goodbye. But this is the part that I think confuses ppl. I give the impression that I will take them back over and over again because...well...I do! I want it to work. I don't like emotional pain...none of us do...so I want to go down every single avenue, exhaust every possibility before calling it quits.
BUT....when I finally realize that it's over, and I'm stubborn and hard-headed so it may take a while, it's over. O V E R over. I usually will mute and ban and that's that. Before that point, you can bet I have cried a million tears, hoped a million hopes, and believed in the love that was once there until the last second. If I love you, I love you with everything I have.
But once I realize it is not appreciated or reciprocated....that's it. And it might come out of the blue. I never know. I just all of sudden know that I've done my best and I've done all I can do.
I walk away and I don't look back.
But...I still remember. And altho the days between tears grow longer and longer..there will always be those days that they fall without warning, down my cheek.
Years from now, I will still remember .... and be sad.
I wish you....all good things.


  1. I felt so tempted to accept your challenge (if I wasn't so busy, and it wasn't the wrong way to start things... ah, yes, wrong gender too!) and now I discover your latest post where on the silly side. You had me totally deceived *grins*.

    Seriously now, it takes some strength to finish things when they are over; I feel much more on the clingy side. Sometimes it works and dead relations revive again, but most times they are a burden that affect your other relations.

    Becoming quickly and truly involved with your relations must give you a big share of pain even when there isn't drama involved, and even more when we consider the volatility of virtual relations. Of course that leads to silly and slightly unstable posts.

    I can't tell about how people perceives you, because that is "them", but I can tell about silly and slightly posts because I have wrote my share: enjoy the fun and the slightly ashamed feeling, and after a while shrug them off without a slight apologice.

    And never, never, read them again, even a slight paragraph *winks*

  2. Then again, Joonie, sometimes silliness and humor are just silly and funny for their own sake and not compensating for anything OR a sign of instability. I thought your post was a crackup, and I love that side of you!

    I also love that pic of Joonie! She looks sassy, strong and determined. That determination is what helps you not give up on relationships until the bitter end, which is not a bad thing at all. Most ppl wouldn't make the effort. It is also what helps you move on. I love that side of you too. Whatever you do, you do completely--it prolly feels like both a curse and a blessing, depending on what it is, but it is a good thing!

    Happy Monday, Joon!
    xoxo, PDV

  3. All I have to say is AMEN.

  4. Big hugs to London, Pinky, and Lizzie! I knew SOMEONE would understand! LOL *muah*

  5. Nice picture Joonie.
    What I see behind your eyes is peace of mind. Clearness from experience that most of us should acheive.



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