10 March 2009

Oh look...what was that??

Ok, I'm trying to remain calm.
See? calm...veeeeery calm..ommmmmm!

Today I was diagnosed with ADHD..whatever in the hell that is.
Isn't that what little kids have when they behave badly in school?
I dunno....

Oh look...I can jump on this bed!

Wait..what's that....

"....ADD / ADHD can put a strain on your relationships. The chaos that surrounds the disorder is particularly hard on romantic relationships." Noooooo...reaaaally? LMAO!
how did this happen?


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  1. *hugs*

    so sorry to hear this Joonie - but hopefully there is some relief that it has been diagnosed at least :)

    take care.


  2. Big hugs to you Joonie. I love diagnoses. Then you know what it is and what you can do. :D

    A sense of humor will take you a long way and you have that in spades. Your post cracked me up out loud.

    Love you long time!

  3. OOOOH Now you get the GOOD drugs!!!

    Papaya :-D

  4. It's called Adult ADHD and yes, I also suffer from it, actually found out that I have had ADHD most of my life, which explains A LOT!! I've never taken medication for it, but have considered seeing a dr. to get some. Good luck sweetie, it's not as bad as you think, and you do get some good drugs to help.


  5. Huge hugs! I'm really sorry about that... but to look on the brighter side, nearly noone is completely healthy in this overevolved society, you still got quite lucky with the diagnosis. I never really concentrate on anything much either, who knows how I'll end up in a couple of years. Hopefully the medicine will make it the least noticable possible, maybe it won't be that bad after all. Thinking of you and keep your spirits up!

  6. Thank you all so much. I try to laugh at the stuff life throws us cos...well...not much we can do about it, you know?

    So now I need to figure out what this means and how I'm going to handle it. Chocolate sounds good. LOL

    I'm still kind of in denial. I've always thought that ADHD was a way of saying .... I dunno...you're a loser?

    sorry...but I'm not liking this at all. I'm at terrible patient! ;-)

    Thanks each of you for your comments. It helps to know you're here. And I don't know why I'm acting like this..it's not like I have cancer or something. I now have a reason for why I am the way I am. But ADHD? Come on! LOL

    *hugs you all*

    Love yas! JJ

  7. Be strong Joonie!
    Thomas Alva Edison (one of my favourite personalities in the history) had just the same syndrome. I am sure you will overcome just better than he did.

    Hugs Tr.


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