13 March 2009

Texas Homesick Blues

Everytime I start to write a post about some things I have on my mind, something happens in SL that diverts my attention away from my original intent and off I go...chasing bunnehs down the rabbit hole.
Tonight, I had every intention of writing about feeling homesick lately for my home state of Texas. I never thought I would say that. Other than Austin and the hill country...well and Big Bend and a few other places, I couldn't wait to get out of there. I hated it!
But .... i've been missing it lately. Hence, the crazy music.
So off I went to Texas in SL to take a few snaps. Even bought these boots and found this hair in my inventory (thanks to a plurker who remembered the name - ETD Willis) and found this shirt in my inventory, too. (Callie Cline.) Not sure you can see my boots but they're Callie Cline, too. I love them!
Anyway, I'm minding my own biz when I get an IM from a friend. She asks what I'm doing, I tell her, and thought how much more fun it would be with her there. So I send her a TP. That's when things began to get....erm....interesting? Strange? Bizarre? Crazy?
uh huh
I got one halfway decent? serious pic when she breaks this thing out!
That's right...it's a shooting penis...with sperm.
It wasn't long after that this guy shows up.
His title was Atty General of Texas. That's right...we were
about to get thrown in the slammer. And in Texas, that is one
place you do NOT want to be! (I guess you wouldn't want to be in jail no matter where you were..but in Texas...pray for death! And don't pick up the soap!)

I'm going to have to go back there. The Rotunda of the capital building is

really awesome and is amazingly similar to the real thing.

Luckily, Mr. Atty General, Jacon Cortes, was feeling a bit

festive (as festive as Attys General come..erm...no pun intended) and let us

off with a warning.

Couldn't leave without a pic of my fave Governor of Texas,

Ann Richards.

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I guess that serious, reflective blog post will have to wait for another night.
Just doesn't seem right after shooting penis' to write anything somber.
Nite all!
Viva la Alamo!
(i think we lost, tho. but we went on to kick butt!)
ya'll come back now, ya hear?


  1. Haha, the penis is hilarious! On more serious matters... I think Imma be just like that, I keep ranting on how much I hate living in the Czech Republic and how I'll move away someday, but I bet that now that I'll be gone for 8 months, I'm gonna miss it.

  2. Joonie, another laugh out loud post and the music is fantastic!! Texas holds a special place in my heart. :)It's really like no where else.

    Love the pic of Joonie and the Atty Gen. She looks like she is using her feminine wiles to get that ticket reduced to a warning!

    Isn't it weird to be homesick for a place that you couldn't wait to get away from?? It happens all the time tho. Great post!

    Happy Friday, Joon!
    Love you!


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