05 March 2009


My love for Tableau is no secret. I have lurked there for a several years now. And altho the
creative group of artists that reside there try to act like they don't know me....we're really a close-knit family. uh huh!
So come with me, and see the REAL Tableau that only a true "SLinsider" can show you.
You won't be sorry.....or will you?
So here is the lovely sim of Tableau at sunrise.
Lovely, isn't it?
But what evil lurks here....let's find out!

Ahh yes..tranquility...flowers...poems and prayers..erm..and promises??
of hopes and dreams. All very nice. There are some fun and lovely poses
here. Be sure to check them out!
This pose is awesome. You MUST sit here. If you're having a bad day
or just feel like being silly..come listen to the flowers!
(this all lulls you into a sense of peace and serenity...but watch out!)

And here, at the Lunar Bar, things begin to get a little strange, but we shrug and think...
oh this is just fun...and it IS! Be sure to hop on the stage and
karaoke, but first grap your bubbling pipe and fruity drink!
Good luck finding this place. But you KNEW there had to be one!
Enough sight-seeing...let's shop, shall we?
This is our first big clue that there are some demented minds
at work here. The doors don't really work. Exit? bwahaha!
And what's a donkey doing here? Must be a throwback to
some other time! Or is he the way out?

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Ok, now we're a little concerned.
What is this thing? A Glue -o- tron? Is this how they make
hair here? We know it's close to
Easter, but a sacrificial lamb seems a bit....
Let's get out of here!

OMG..what room have I stumbled into now?

What are they wearing? MEAT?

How disgusting! And where did that come from?

Ewwwwww.....be careful looking behind closed doors!

We need a good stiff.....butt roast?

Pinky leaves in disgust and who can blame her!

Me? I stick around a bit.

I'm glad I did...I found this lovely patio roof to

enjoy my bubble pipe and watch the sun come up.

It's all so beautiful up here.

The air is nice and crisp and smells of lilacs and lavendar.

I'm sure I just imagined the .... the....the... what?

Isn't this lovely!?


Be sure to visit. You won't be sorry.

And while you're there, be sure to check out all the funky and fabulous shops.

(For more fashion related info on Tableau, click here!)

If you need help, just look for me...I'll be there stalking..erm shopping!



1 comment:

  1. LMAO Joonie! Your post made me giggle! Tableau was fascinating...and...erm...I was OK until we got to the bacon underwear, viewed from the ham rug. hahahahahaha

    Great post and pics as always!


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