07 March 2009

What Stage Are YOU in?

I love the SL Revolution blog 89% of the time. LOL! I dunno...really...but I luffz it a LOT! So when I saw that there was a new blog post before logging out for the night, I had to go read it, of course.

And I'm glad I did. Not for it's editorial journalism or necessarily stunning insights, but because it confirmed for me exactly what I had been wondering about.

I am in Stage 5 fast approaching Stage 6. I dunno why I even log in. It's more out of habit, I believe, than anything.

I find myself trying new things, buying new land, new houses, new ... well, you know...but nothing is doing it for me anymore. *le sigh* I see the day approaching when I will no longer
be a resident of SL. Maybe a visitor.

Today was like Spring where I live. I walked my doggy and just enjoyed the breeze. Noticed the birds are noisy and there were bunnehs...REAL ONES....in the neighbors yard. I'm loving my RL now.

I did a bit of Spring cleaning to my SL inventory and deleted some photos that were hard to look at but needed to go. Wiped out some things I've carried around with me for a long time. And I don't even want to get on the topic of my friend's list. Most of those ppl I never talk to.

So I think I see a burial in sight soon. Sims2 is sounding better and better all the time. hahaha!

Sweet dreams everyone. Thanks for the blog post, Prad. I'm not sure how to handle Stage 6. I guess just like I handled the others...go with it and see where it takes me.



  1. You'll be fine wherever stage 6 takes you, it's just how things are, they evolve and progress, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

    I love the post, it's so true... It's also true that once you hit stage 6, it doesn't have to mean the end, one fades away for a bit but sometimes returns and goes back to stage 3... only to end up in stage 6 eventually (own experience LOL).

    Funny, I played Sims 2 for a while after quitting SL... maybe it's like a soft version, a remedy - you know, like people who've quit smoking eat a lot of candy LOL The cool thing about the Sims is that you control your sims and your drama, how awsome is that? Though the Sims cycle is even faster: Stage 1 - you get hooked and play nearly 24/7 for a week and then all of the sudden, stage 2 - you get bored and move on.

  2. Thought provoking blog post, Joon. I am not qualified to speak on the issue because I am perpetually at stage 2.5. I am and will always be a SL dilettante, dabbling and no more.

    Sims 2 is great and I, of course, like it because there are no other real ppl involved. LOL

    But I do agree with you that RL is awesome! :D



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