24 March 2009

To Whomever You Are.....

Hello. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Joonie. My friends say you're out
there somewhere. I'm going to prove them wrong. But just in case you are crazy enough
to challenge me, I thought it only best to tell you a few things.

I am challenging, to say the least. I don't think there's a man
out there that can handle me. And I usually know within the first few mins of
talking. Sometimes, they put on the "strong male" persona and it might
take me a little longer. But I'll know. And I'll break you down. Yes, I will.

You see, there is not a man alive strong enough to handle me.
It might take days as in the last little guy that tried, or it could take
months as is the case with one of my exes. But I will eventually bring you
to your knees and make you cry.
That's when I get bored.

So for the sake of all male egos...just keep on walking. I'm not interested.
The world, both of them, is filled with wonderful men. They make very
nice friends....or pets. Either way.

So in case you think you might be the one who can tame me....think again.

You've been warned.

Nini boys...

No balls were busted in the making of this post. A few, however, fell off all on their own.
ROTFLMAO!! OMG! that was sooooo fun to write! hahahah!
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  1. Yikes!Thank you for setting the record straight. Warnings are always good to know before hand. Like that one on my pillow, you know the one.. it says "do not remove" or the pillow police will come hunt you down. I take all warnings seriously... seriously. :)

    Your friend,

  2. You GO Joonie!! :D Love your confidence, your sass, and your pics!

    Thing is, I know you and I know you are joking....but not really. :D The boyz have been warned!!

    Love you Jooniecakes!

  3. LOL Fricker...*hugz*

    Pinky....shhhh! hahaha

  4. I love that blouse, Joonie, where is it from?

    Haha now you've just made yourself an irresistible challenge. Watch out for all the men you're gonna have to fend off! XD

  5. Y'see, Joonie, you've gone and done it now.

    You're going to be inundated with blokes who think they're the one to rein you in, that you can't make them cry, that they're the wild stallions you will want to tame.

    Just you wait and see.

    But to be honest, given the tone of that post, I can see you're going to have a lot of fun teaching them a lesson too.

  6. LOL! Silly Joonie. Now you've called him out..what will you do when he comes? B

  7. Nice!



  8. LOL..you guys are too funny.

    doubtful! LOL

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I removed my ocmment cos it was lame after I gave it some thot. LOL

  11. LMAO i need to be more like you!


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