24 March 2009


I wrote a post late last night after feeling a bit sad and a bit angry. Then thot better of it and deleted it.

In the meantime, I received a really nice comment. So, I'm posting it here. Thanks London!




  1. London Spengler has left a new comment on your post "Wow...just wow...":

    I am happy you had the luck to discover his true self; makes it easier to have said "no", don't you think? But never call your heart stupid and idiotic, that was the guy!

    I respect your decision to put it (your heart) in a safe place, but don't insult the poor thing, it tends to wither if uncared for and someday you may want it back *smiles*

  2. /me smiles. So that is why Google said it wasn't able to publish my comment, the post had dissapeared while I finished it!

    I thought about writing it again, but it always feels false to try to repeat something (instead of simply "saying" it), so I leaved it be with a bit of sorrow. It is wonderful to discover it wasn't lost and you liked it *smiles and hugs*.


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