28 May 2009

Amazing Day

Today was my AA birthday! And to celebrate, I spent time with an old friend. Someone who used to mean a lot to me. We haven't spoken in two years and tonight we spent several hours hanging out and catching up. It was like we'd never spent any time apart.

There were lots of questions asked and answered. Lots of emotions on my part. It was an awesome thing and I'm grateful for it.

I have been given many gifts and opportunities in SL. I sometimes tend to look at the bad things even if there is only one instead of the good things even if they are in the hundreds. Why is that?

Tonight I just feel gratitude. I'm not going to let one bad apple.....one rotten tomato....one complete idiotic liar....one....eeeew...I'm doing it again aren't I. LOL

Ok...let's stop on a positive note. ;)

Thanks for tonight, Mr. Jatho. It was so much fun!



  1. I got introduced to AA via my former SL partner, and attending one of the inworld AA meetings was one of the most intense and emotionally overwhelming experiences I ever had in SL.

    I wish you many, many more AA anniversaries!

  2. thank you both so much! =) I'd probably be dead or incarcerated if it weren't for AA.

    So I'm feeling a lot of gratitude today for what is.

    ty! Yay!

  3. Congrats, Joonie!! That's an amazing milestone and achievement. I'm very excited for and proud of you.


  4. TY Blissie! *hugs* I was fortunate to find AA. I sure wouldn't have wanted to do that on my own. In fact, I tried several times! LOL

    Love ya, Bliss!

  5. Joonie, congratulations on your AA birthday! Sounds like it was a really good day and I am so happy for you. *hugs you tight*



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