26 May 2009

Everything Changes....Nothing Lasts Forever

There are very few places in SL that make me feel more at home than builds by Baron Grayson and Sue Stonebender. One of the first sims I went to was Ubuntu. It bordered the sims Templum ex Obsurum. I took everyone here that meant anything to me to share my fave place in SL. It is dark but has light everywhere, which for me, represented the human condition.

I found out a few days ago that Sue and Baron are leaving SL due to RL issues. They have been in SL since 2004. With their leaving, the sims will be sold or have been sold. So I spent some time there taking pics and just sitting there, in gratitude, for the time I had there and for having the opportunity to meet and appreciate Sue and Baron. To say I am sad is an understatement.

This is the Nameless Isle. It was to be Baron's next adventure. He kept it open during the building process, and invited people to come watch him build it and ask questions. It was to be an Unseelie sim, and was shaping up as such. But it was never completed totally. I think one of the saddest things I saw when there were unfinished boxes stacked on top of one another, waiting for the artist's hands to finish production. That day will not come.

The light shines through no matter how dark it is. This is one of my fave places on the sim.

I love the way the place changes depending on the time of day settings.

Such beauty and chaos all rolled into one.

I sat here for a while and thought about the impermanance of Second Life. How quickly things change there, for good and for bad. The people that have past through my SLife and the places that have had real meaning to me. It seems, sometimes, that the good people leave all too quickly. Sue and Baron were definitely the best of the best. Baron was an awesome artist and I loved reading his blog about the places he went in RL. And Sue is one of the most giving people I have ever met. She created the Giving Tree which helped people in different situations throughout the world. If you would like to know more about this, please IM me.

I'm grateful for all the places on the Grid that have represented "home" to me. I will miss this one. I am grateful that I can return to my "home" and remember the good. Every thing changes, even those things that we wish wouldn't.

Go visit the Nameless Isle while you still can. I wish all good things to Sue and Baron. You will be missed.



  1. I too love those sims and was a member of Baron and Sue's group for the longest time. I'm sad to hear they are leaving.
    Change is a very hard thing to deal with. People, places and things move on as quickly as time and we are powerless to stop them. Accepting that is harder than it sounds, or should be. The associated sense of loss cuts deep.
    In recent years I've changed my way of thinking about these things, from a negative focus on the loss to a more positive excitement about the good things that change always also brings, to the new opportunities, the personal lessons learnt and grown from, to the beautiful memories I have that no-one will be able to take from me. The feeling of loss is still there, but it's tempered and balanced, in perspective. And it allows me to find peace with the change.
    I hope you find that peace Joonie, and that the memories of these dear people and places become a source of joy and comfort to you rather than of pain and loss.

  2. The Nameless sim is great. I went there one day and literally sat there for over an hour just taking in the "mood" of the place. I am sad to hear it will be no longer. Thanks for the post. I always like reading about places you have been in SL.

    Hugs ~ Papaya

  3. *whispers*

    Joonie. Joonie.

    It's Skinkie.

    I like..LOVE her.



    I love your pictures..and your storytelling through the pictures. I don't know if you realize the emotion you convey without using words.

    I think you do.

    Crafty Joonie.

    :) Lova ya!


  4. Aww, I've never been to the Nameless Isle but I ADORED Sanctum Sanctorum, it had just everything and it was the best place for pondering while sitting near the water and watching the sunset above the pirate ship.... an amazing amazing place!

  5. Joonie, this is so sad. Sue and Baron have been around so long and been such a steady presence in SL, and seem like really good people.
    Your tribute to them is moving and beautiful. The photos are awesome, as usual.

    I know change is necessary and all, but :((

    Love you JJ!


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