31 May 2009

Don't take my blog too seriously, srsly!

My blog gets me in so much trouble sometimes. It does! True, I do go on about my feeeeeewings a lot here. LOL But it helps me clarify things for myself. It informs my how I really feel about things. Sometimes I don't even know until I begin clicking away on my laptop.

SL is an emotional place. Feelings of love, betrayal, joy, sorrow, loss, fun and excitement are just a few of the emotions that come to mind for me. Sometimes, I feel very manipulated by SL. It's difficult for me to tell the manipulation from the real, enduring emotions. Writing out my feelings here helps me know which is real and which isn't.

Today, I know beyond a doubt what my emotions are and what is real for me. It seems, perhaps, that has consequences beyond my control. Love is just love. Sometimes it's reciprocated and sometimes it isn't. But to really love someone, it doesn't stop just because it isn't given in return. It just is. It's not something I can turn on or off like a light switch.

I love because I'm human and choose to. I love because I am not afraid to do so anymore. That is an awesome miracle...for me.

I am on a journey of self-discovery. I have been lucky to find some guides along the way. And for once in a very long time, I am not afraid.

At least, not at this moment. And that is why my blog gets me into trouble! LOL What I say here today may not be how I feel down the road. But as you know all too well, I'll let ya know! =)

Sweet dreams....and great bums to all of you! ;-)

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  1. It's your honesty and openess, Joonie, that makes what you do so readable.
    Keep on keeping on.
    And know that there are people alongside you as you work through the ups and downs life throws at you.
    We may be strangers, we may be anonymous, but we're here.

  2. Never be afraid to say what's in your heart. Better to sting for a moment with the truth than burn for a lifetime with a lie.

  3. One reason your blog is wonderful is because you speak the truth as you know it at that moment. You can do not more than that, and you can't know anything beyond this day and this truth. Just keep speaking it, and if there are those who don't like it, well... you know ;)

    Love you JJ!
    xoxo, PDV

  4. Sometimes we write spontaneusly, sometimes we do not, But always sincerely. This is why I always take your blog seriously. I just love your sensibility and sincerity.


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