13 May 2009

Ok Ok..I'm working on it..

I've already started my next post on Joonie's Journey in SL..looking back...but tonight I just need to talk. LOL

Please feel free to not read this and just wait for a fun post.

Tonight, as I was standing in SL listening to Harper Messmer, I realized that the only reason I'm in SL is for the music and the occasional get together with friends. There are ppl in SL that I truly care about. But they are busy with one thing or another or they are in SLove and we all know that can take up most of our time. Just because I'm single doesn't mean all my old friends I ditched when I was in SLove are going to be available now. They've moved on as well and altho we talk in IM a bit, it's not like hanging out with someone.

So, I dunno. It's like I like to shop and listen to music and...erm....shop some more and um....music. I dunno. Tonight I was busy feeling sorry for myself. LOL No srsly! So stupid really. Most nights I'm doing okay...having fun and laughing and meeting new ppl. Tonight I looked around and everyone had someone. Most of the time I am just happy for them and grateful I'm single. But not tonight. I saw it as a big step backwards and equated my singleness with being a loser somehow.

I was talking to a friend about this not too long ago...about how even in 2009, we can feel like we aren't "complete" without a man in our lives. Like having a man validates us or something. What a stupid idea! But I think our society ingrains that into our heads from an early age. And if our mom's or our culture condones that kind of thinking...it's more difficult to not succumb to it, even thought we might know in our brains that it is complete and utter bullshit.

Well, that's my rant. I was just a bit incredulous that I could feel that way! And another thing! Why do I have to be so sensitive?! Someone hurt my feelings tonight...and I didn't even know them! Argghh! I've always been sensitive. On the plus side of that, I'm very empathetic and can pick up on things most people don't. But geeez....this is ridiculous!

So I'm off to sleep and hope I wake up tomorrow feeling as strong as I know I am. Not like some whiny little brat girl. LOL



  1. Silly Joonie.

    Never too busy for you. :)

    never feel that way.


  2. Joonie! You could never be a loser! Equate your singleness with being smart and treating yourself well, because that is what you are doing. Isn't it amazing how affected we are by society, out moms, etc?? :P

    One thing, tho...Being a whiny brat girl is a bad thing???? UH OH!! :D

    /me hugs you tight!
    xoxo, PDV


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