17 May 2009


This post is long overdue. It was supposed to be a continuation on the Looking Back theme. It was to be about Music in SL. Maybe it still will be, but I'm not feeling motivated. I'm not sure what's going on with me and my silly self.

As most of you know who read this blog, you never know what you're going to get here. I don't even know when I sit down to write. I might have a general idea of what I want to say, but many times it changes as I begin to write. One thing I've strived to be here is honest with you, the reader, and to myself, about what is going on with me...what's on my mind. That stark honesty might bother people. I know SL is a fantasy land in many ways, made up of real people behind all the beauty.

I find it interesting that we spend so many lindens creating our persona of beauty, and then we act so ugly sometimes. So altho we are 99% beautiful avatars running around the grid, we still show our human nature. And emotion and thought is what separates us from most other beings on this planet. To have emotion is to be alive, to be human. It's how we react to those emotions that makes the major difference.

I have my opinions. You have yours. Your opinion may make me angry, sad, happy, jealous, confused and mine may bring out the same in you. Does that mean I have the right to say you are "wrong" or you suck? I don't think so. Acceptance is the key to all my problems today. =) Not an easy thing to do.

Enough of that jibber jabber.

Below is a pic I was going to post for the music post. I still might if I can ever get it together and care. LOL I do love music in SL. But to do it justice, I need to spend some time on each musician. And tbh, I just feel too lazy to do that right now. So here's the pic. ;)

I've wondered lately if I should have a theme to this blog rather than being all over the place. Then people would at least have an inkling of an idea of what they were going to get when they came here. One of the ideas I kind of played with was a fashion blog. I know there are a jillion out there, but I've been in SL long enough to accumulate a ton of "stuff." Why not show it? LOL

Ok well maybe not. It would probably turn into a shameless self promotion blog with pics of ME ME ME! LOL Hey! What's so wrong about that!?!?! I'm purdy!

There's a John Mayer song that has the lyrics "just keep me where the light is." There was a point in my SL when I had those words in my profile. I had experienced enough darkness. I'm not talking rp'ing, but real human darkness. Stunned at the ability of people to be so incredibly ugly (naive much?) I just wanted healing and light. The last pic is of Joonie being bathed in light. I hope she stays there.

Thanks for reading! Love you all..hope you know that.



  1. No theme, stay who you are, I love your blog like this! Besides I don't think you're the type for restrictions :)

  2. LOL I think Bitter is right, Joon!

    I love clicking on your blog and not knowing what I'll find there but knowing it will be honest, funny, moving, wise, and 100% Joonie. Fashion, music, SLove, SLautobiography, I like it all and want it all. No themes!! After all, your blog branding says it's "About a lot of things"! :D

    There is an Indigo Girls song that starts "My place is of the sun/and this place is of the dark" and ends "By grace/my sight is growing stronger/and I will not be a pawn/for the prince of darkness/any longer." Your last pic reminded me of that.

    Love you JJ!

  3. Bitter! hahaha! You know me all too well. =)

    Pinky - I love that song. I even put the words on my SL profile! YAY!


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