22 June 2009

Soaring Free

A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colourful plumage and a tail of gold and
scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends[1]). It has a 500
to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of myrrh twigs that then
ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a
new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new
phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new
phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits
it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek).

My best friend in RL and SL took this picture of Joonie. I really like it. I'm not sure why, but I think it has to do with the fact that it's from the perspective of someone who knows me better than I know myself, at times.

I also like it because it's a fresh new look for Joonie. Since she rezzed in SL almost 3 yrs ago...gah!...she has tried her best to color within the lines. The problem is, that's not who Joonie is. I would know. It has been a struggle trying to "fit in." I have always gone my own way, not followed the crowd, but for some reason in SL...the pressure to conform is intense. I would have thought it would be the other way around. But if you don't want to wind up on a blog about SL gossip or on a blog about who is or isn't fugly, you have to dress a certain way, wear THE hair that's in, the skin, the right dances, the right crowd, right place to hang out. God, the list goes on ad infinitum.

As an artist, I love color and fashion and beauty, the arts and new ideas. I don't want this to be a critique of the fashion world in SL. So I'll stop here and save those thoughts for another post. My idea of beauty may not be yours. The things I want to wear and are drawn to may not be yours. But what is SL if we take all the imagination out of it and we all line up in a nice, neat, tidy line behind whomever happens to be the "guru" of all things kosher this week in SL?

Today I saw a pic of a friend in SL. He hasn't been in SL long, but I think he's one of the coolest peeps there. I loved his look...it was always refreshing to see him because he didn't look like everyone else. But these new pics made me sad. Someone in SL had grabbed him and turned him into every other dark, handsome guy on the grid. I'm so sick of seeing that face! Give me some originality please.

I understand the need for acceptance. To feel as if we "fit in" and "belong" is one of Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs. But we are also individuals and we need to honor that. At least I do and I'm sure there are others out there like me.

So here's to the different, the ones who are true to themselves, the ones who walk to their own beat. Let your Freak flag fly! And believe it when I tell you, rising above all the crap is the best revenge. Freedom baby..that's what I'm talkin' about.

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1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, Joonie, and I love the new look :D

    This post was one of your best, I thought, and I am surprised there are no responses yet. But, maybe you hit a nerve here? I'm glad you said it out loud, though. The truth is always good.

    When I first came to SL, I was awed by the beauty and possibility of things that weren't possible in RL. That is still there to an extent but so is the cliqueishness, the judgementalness, the trendy, the classism, the jealousy, the "mean girls" and mean boys too, I suppose.

    It's disappointing because SL should be the great equalizer, where everyone gets to explore new things, new personas, with no judgement. But, human nature being what it is, that is a fantasy, I guess.

    Good for you for not buying into it, for being you no matter what. Coloring within the lines is overrated, and in the end, even though you might not be one of the "popular girls" (I just threw up a little in my mouth!) you will have your integrity and your soul intact.

    Thanks for sticking up for those who dare to be themselves in the face of crushing uniformity. "To thine own self be true" is the ultimate freedom--it takes awhile to figure that out, and there are consequences, but you prove it is worth it!

    Love you JJ!


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