05 June 2009

Things I Must Learn

Who we say we are is defined by our actions, not the words we speak.

There's nothing wrong with having an open heart, as long as we offer it to those people who realize what a gift it is.

I could be considered naive. I'm not. I just believe in the goodness of people. And it's disappointing when my bubble is burst about someone I thought a lot of. But people change, for better and for worse. It's our own individual journey...the choices we have made in the past become our reality today.

There I go again...waxing philosophical! LOL I guess what I'm trying to say is, I have to let people be who they are today, not as I remembered them to be or want them to be. But I don't have to put up with hurtful behaviour, whether it's intentional or not. For instance, if a person claims to be totally honest, and then insults you out of "being honest" ... LOL...well they can basically KMFA!! ;-) You know why? Cos I deserve better. We all do. Srsly, don't let someone become a priority in your life when you are just an option for them.

I appreciate my friends who have been there (here) for me when I needed a shoulder to lean on...and have accepted me exactly as I am. It's time for me to lean on my own two shoulders and accept myself exactly as I am. Today, I'm working towards that goal. I don't have time for anyone or anything that doesn't help me reach that goal. Sorry, but that's the way it is for me today. Either be my friend and be caring and supportive, or get outta my way.


have an awesome weekend!


  1. "Don't let someone become a priority in your life when you are just an option for them"

    Hope you don't mind but I'm going to nick this quote, it's perfect :-D

    Great post Joonie, full of wisdom and WIN!

  2. Joonie, this post is packed with wise words I most definitely need to hear. It is so good to see you feeling strong and standing in your power, and it is contagious!! :D


  3. Thank you, Skinkie. It's sure taken me a long time to figure this out! :D And I'll prolly need a gentle reminder.. ;-)

    Pinkster, ty for being my best friend in all things.



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