03 June 2009

That's the Glory of SLove and Love....

Happy Happy Joy Joy

The Year: 2006
The Place: a Hippie Sim

I cannot reveal their real identities, but these two will be exchanging rings and making it legal in 3 hours! IN RL! And I am lucky enough to have witnessed their relationship from the beginning. Hence, I am the logical choice to be their Maid of Honor. ;-) LOL

Their road to happiness was not all sunshine and roses. There were a few bumps in the road. But they weathered those and ate cupcakes while doing it! These two met in SL, spent lots of time talking about music and the Dead, and dancing. As time went by, their friendship grew until that day when they discussed meeting in RL. (queue fireworks!)

The story of their love is HUGE and takes many twists and turns. And as interesting as that is, and I might blog it one day, today is about celebrating love with the one you were meant to be with. And nothing will stand in their way.

I'm very happy for them. Congrats soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan!
May the gods of love and good fortune shine upon you!

Your MoH...

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Update!!! They DID IT!! It's legal and official. And Druzy performed the ceremony and Lunna is baking cupcakes! LOL It was awesome meeting more peeps from SL. And the bride was gorgeous and the groom was handsome =) We all went out to dinner afterwards and had a blast. They are headed to Wakarusa in the morning! Have fun you two! Love ya!


  1. Best wishes and congrats to them both too!!

  2. They did it! Thanks you...I told them! :)

  3. That is wonderful news. Congratulations to the newly weds!

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  5. Congrats and much happiness to them!! I love when 2 people finally find their lobster:)

    They are lucky to have you as their friend, supporter and Maid of Honor!

    Thanks for sharing it with us!
    Love you JJ

  6. hey! hell yeah! :) love you all :)

  7. hey Zooey! Wish you could have been there! *hugs*

  8. Thank you for being such a solid friend through thick and thin Ms. Joonie. :-) I am such a lucky lady to have friends like you. The ceremony and celebration afterwards was so special to us. We love you!

    Peace & Hugs

    Papaya & Casey


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