18 July 2009

Damn Dirk

I interrupt this broadcast on Music for a more personal post.

I don't even know what to say!! LOL I'm looking at these pics and shaking my head..and laughing. Dirk and I have known each other since 2006. In the time we have known each other, I have banned him, deleted him, and muted him on several occasions. He has done the same to me, just not as many times. But it's SL and here we are. Go figure. I cannot tell you how many times I have said "Damn Dirk!" The two words just seem to go together. lol

Don't we look cozy? So in love...so enthralled with each other. Gotta love SL. I think irl he was watching a show about whales and Greenpeace. I was working on my blog. But these pics tell a different story. Any guy that will hold me in this hair has got to be a good friend! LOL (I actually love this hair... in Black)

We've both changed since our avatars a bit since we first met. I'll try to dig up some old pics cos I KNOW you're so very interested in that! ;) I love a male avi that doesn't look like everyone else. Dirk never has from the beginning.

Ok, so I changed my hair. That does NOT make me a sellout! Just helping him with his fantasy! LMAO

Writing this blog post makes me happy, and here's why. It speaks to the power of forgiveness...for the hope of better things, better times. And of friendship that accepts each others imperfections. His of course, not mine! LOL So many times in SL and in RL, we can feel wronged or hurt or angry at someone and decide to delete them from our lives. Just as we have the option to do that, we also have the option to bring things back around as long as the person hasn't hurt us irreparably. I strongly believe THOSE peeps need to get to the back of a very, very loooooong line.

Relationships in SL are very fluid. Here today, gone tomorrow or next month. But while they are "here" they can be fun, and very interesting and entertaining. I learn more about myself by my interactions with my friends...and frenemies. It can be difficult to let go of our friends in SL. And it sux. But looking back, I wouldn't have changed a thing.

ciao ciao



    Long-standing myths are on the verge of mutating. Stories that have remained fixed for years are about to acquire unexpected wrinkles. The effects may be pretty spectacular. I suspect it'll be the equivalent of Sleeping Beauty waking up from her long sleep without the help of the prince's kiss, or like Little Red Riding Hood devouring the wolf instead of vice versa. There's something you can do, Pisces, to ensure that the new versions of the old tales are more empowering than the originals: For the foreseeable future, take on the demeanor and spirit of a noble warrior with high integrity and a fluid sense of humor.


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