18 July 2009

RFL - Gifts

Today was a good day in SL. I spent most of the day at RFL, watching survivors and caregivers walk the walk. My bff, Pinky, joined me while I lit a luminaria in honor of my mom who died of cancer when I was 23. It was a gift I gave to RFL and I received the gift of Pinky's presence while I did this. Thank you Pinky! *mwah*


I don't know how many of you know Bourque Rau, but she is an amazing woman! She recruited me to be a 'Stream Mistress' for the musicians playing at RLF. That was an awesome gift and an honor to do. Thank you Borque and thank you to Grateful Stryker for playing. There are many more scheduled for tomorrow. Check out the live music scene!

As I was getting ready to log for the night (I was exhausted!) another friend im'd and tp'd me to chouchou, one of my fave places. ChouChou will always be a special place for me like I know it is for lots of us. It's such a cool place to be alone or to share with a good friend.

When I arrived, my friend was dancing around with RAIN falling on him. I loved it! We've talked about rain often and how it feels so right sometimes. I wasn't there long when he gave me my own rain!! Sometimes, whether a person knows it or not, they say or do just the right thing that is needed at that moment. I don't know what it is about this particular friend, but he always knows. Thank you for your friendship! What a gift it is.


I am a very lucky girl to have so many awesome friends in SL. Mostly guys...I don't know why. I'm not complaining. I love having guy friends!


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1 comment:

  1. It was an honor to be there with you; a gift to me. Big hugs to you, JJ!

    Love you long time!


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