04 July 2009


I have several posts formulating in my head. Great shots I want to share. I'm afraid by the time I finally sit down to do them, it will be old news. I will do them...because they deserve attention. But not right now. I have other things on my mind. LOL I know you're thrilled! ;-)

I'm at a crossroad. Neither here nor there. But right where I'm supposed to be, I guess. Sort of drifting and questioning and watching. I used to know exactly what I believed and didn't believe. Second Life has changed all that. It has required me to stop and figure some things out. I haven't always enjoyed the process of getting there, but it has forced me to look at some things about myself and my beliefs that I might not otherwise.

Although I think it is a worthwhile thing to do...this looking inward...it also has shaken up some things and made me question things I thought I believed without a doubt. This has made me a little shaky. It's like my foundation has a crack in it. I don't trust myself to know yet what is best for me. My judgement of people, places and things...I don't trust it much anymore. I used to think of myself as incredibly street smart. Maybe I still am...but not so pixel smart. LOL Maybe that's just the way Virtual Worlds are. Or maybe I just trust people to be good and come from a good place. Naive much? lol

The unfortunate thing is that now I have my guard up. I'm friendly and nice to my fellow avs, but not very open. It takes me a while to really let anyone get to know me. I think that's ok for Joonie right now. She needs some time to sort things out. Not in an emo, life sucks kind of way, but just to reconnect with herself and realize how strong she really is. Anyone of us that have gone through the emotional upheaval that Second Life can bring, as well as the joy, and is willing to return, is a strong person. Resilient, strong, confident. That's who Joonie is at her core She just needs to get in touch with it.

I apologize if I come across snobby or distant, I just need a little time. Thanks for understanding. I do love my friends and hopefully you know who you are. I do. =)

happy 4th!
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