05 July 2009

Thanks for all the Fish

Joonie is taking a little break from all things SL. That includes this blog. Just in case the 3 of you wondered where I went. ;-)

SL is a wonderful, magical place. I'm sure I'll be back. Just need a little time to myself.

Hugs! thanks for the memories.

Say 'goodnight' Gracie.

Goodnight Gracie.


  1. Well, as your recent forth reader I wish you a happy break and hope you will return some day. Have had a break or two myself, and it's actually highly recommendable now and then:-) Take care!

  2. Joonie, I know you will come out of this happier and stronger.

    I read this once: "Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." You haven't chosen to remain in a state and you will be so much better off for it. Joonie, you are much wiser than you give yourself credit for. :)

    *hugs* Please don't make this be a good-bye.


  3. Joonie, follow your heart and your gut where they say to go and you will be right where you are supposed to be. Know that you don't go alone. :)

    Love you long time,

  4. We'll be here waiting for you. :) Take care of you first, babe!


  5. I don't know how long I'll be, tbh. But wherever or whatever, I will take you all with me. *hugs* Don't let the Lindens do anything stupid while I'm gone. ;-)


  6. Goodnight Gracie. Have sweet dreams. But still better is the waken up. There are so many things to discover. Just to read yor blog show me that there is always something new. Doesn't it be worth?



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