13 July 2009

Rockberry *Character* Skins (nsfw)

Ok, there are skins I love and skins I don't like so much (usually cos they don't make me look hot!) and then there are skins I'm intrigued by. This skin falls in the category of pure yummy weirdness. They remind me of something MiaSnow might do, only more realistic.

First, you have to love freckles to get the full benefit of these skins. They come in 6 different styles, each one has a freckled version and a tintable version. I am wearing the tintable freckle version of Lily.


1) I don't usually care for freckles or dark brows, but I fell in love with this combination. There are not light freckles at all. They are strong and command attention. This is not the skin for anyone who is wanting to look frail or "delicate." ;-)

2) I love the way the tinting can effect the overall look of the skin. It mainly applies to the lips, but makes a real difference. I don't care for a lot of gloss, but that is an option, too.

3) Okay, bootie shots....

I love this butt! don't you? and bewbies!

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Joonie wonders how she ever made it this long without this skin!

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Deleted: Soapbox Rant

Added: I stand by the statement below. But how a person wants to interact with their customers is really none of my business. No one can know what another person is going through and why they may not respond.

I appreciate the designers and their mahvelous talent, dahlink...but when people start acting better than other ppl just because they know how to work a prim or use photoshop...well, you've lost my business and my respect as a person. But oh mfg...you people do some fantastic work!

You would know it would be a skin that would cause me to come crawling back to SL and my blog! LMAO!



  1. That skin is adorable on you! Love the freckles.

  2. Very cool skin, Joon, and it looks wonderful on you! Great pics as well :D Welcome back!!!


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