25 August 2009

Crazy Girl

Exploring SL is one of the more fun things I do in SL. Discovering places that lead to other places....like Dr Suess said..." oh the places we'll go." Do you ever just roam the grid in a random way? Like one place, profile leads you to another and then another? Me tooooo!

So today I was tp'd to Digit Darkes now sim/store. It is absolutley amazing. I don't know when it will open to the public. She hopes by Sept. 1 but we all know how much time it takes to do things perfectly. And she never settles for less.

Anyway, it is spectacular! I can't wait for her to open it. There are still a few shops open. Only upscale shops need apply. OMG...you will not believe this sim. So much fun, so much to see, and awesome shops so far.

So while exploring all the awesomeness, I found a few things I would like to own. Won't tell you what they are, but really cool things. Had to click on the object to see who the creator was. That lead to many other adentures as I read profiles and starting popping in all over the grid.

One stop in particular was a lot of fun. The shop is called Shadow Things. It's a small little shop with skins and AO's mostly. One of the AO's is called Crazy Girl and I could NOT pass it up. LOL


  1. Hi joonie! I'm making a big effort to post when I visit your blog instead of just lurking! lol. By the way, the song that is playing on your blog right now is really beautiful. Hologram. I'm going to have to download that. I love it.
    Take care sweetie

  2. Aimee...funny that you would choose this post to comment on. LOL
    I love hearing from you more often.

    That song was on Grey's Anatomy and I fell in love with it. Had to have it! I'm glad you like it. =)

    And no more lurking. You are one of my oldest and bestest friends from SL. hugs...JJ


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