21 August 2009


Lordy don't leave me
All by myself
Good time's the devil
I'm a force of heaven
Lordy don't leave me
All by myself
So many time's I'm down
Down down
With the ground
Lordy don't leave me
All by myself
Whoa, in this world
Lordy don't leave me
All by myself


There's a post vid that is really cool but doesn't allow embedding. I'll post the link. Enjoy!

Sunday Was a Bright Day

1 comment:

  1. Joonie, these were awesome vids. I had to get the kleenex out for that first one!! I didn't think I even liked Moby...erm...

    Thank you so much for posting these, and I'm SO glad your blog is back!!! I missed it, and you!!!

    Love you JJ!


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