16 September 2009

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Fall comes to SL. My bff, Pinky, and I went shopping for Fall stuffz the other day. I've always loved this house from mudshake, so I decided to buy it! It's been fun redecorating my little piece of land. I even added a gypsy camp.

Why am I sharing such mundane crap about my SL existence? I dunno. Not much else to talk about! LOL I left Plurk, so not much dramaz happening. My friend left SL so that was a bit depressing. And I've finally accepted the fact that my inventory is never going to be under 30,000 no matter how much crap I delete or give away. *sigh*

As a point of interest(?), here are more things I've come to accept:

1. I will never have another SL boyfriend. Normally, this would be a bit depressing. LOL But I've gone down that road twice and it's really just too difficult. I don't like hurting people and I don't like being hurt. And it seems like that is the eventual ending. The highs are incredibly high, but the lows....wow...heart wrenching.

2. The good guy doesn't always finish last. But there are times when the bad guy wins and there's really not much you can do about it. Just keep your side of the street clean and let everything fall into it's place. Very hard to do, but I am not responsible for anyone else's behaviour. Just my own.

3. I am not now nor will I ever be perfect. Now this one really pisses me off! And along with this one comes the realization that I can't please everyone, so why try.
SL reminds me of high school in so many ways. The cool kids, the jocks, the outcasts, the wannabes. It's really okay to not fit into any of these categories and just be myself. Doh! There are more of us out there in SL land that don't fit into any one category. Why not just embrace the differences instead of being like sheep.

4. There are some really funny people that write really awesome blogs and know how to get a reaction! I love those peeps more than they will ever know. *blows kisses* They aren't afraid to tell it like it is in a humorous and entertaining way.

5. I never thought it was possible to actually care about a virtual person who lives miles away or even in another country. But I have felt closer to some of you than I have people in my RL. I love you all. Honestly.

6. SL is neither good nor bad. It is what we make it. And we've all made mistakes along the way. We've messed up, been forgiven, and messed up again. It's called being human. Deal with it. Your real friends will still love you and those that don't aren't worth your time.

Happy Fall!


  1. I love this post joonie! I'm sorry about my long silence. I haven't been around but I hope everything is well with you.

  2. Dear Joonie,

    You opened your mouth and my words came out. :)

    I love you! And my SLife is better with you in it.

    Thank you for being you, and being REAL.


  3. Aimee...it is SO good to hear from you. Hope you are happy and well. =) Hugs and much love and kisses

    Bliss....love you long time! Thanks for walking with me through this weird shit. LOL *hugs you tight*

  4. This makes me happy to read. Thanks!

    Hugs~ Papaya

  5. Joonie, Happy Fall back!! :D

    I love this post. When I was reading it, I thought, "Number 1 is my favorite...no wait, I LOVE number 2...ok but number 3 is perfect..." and on and on.

    You have a way of putting truth into words like no one else. Thank you for it.

    Love you JJ!

  6. Hi Papaya! =) Nice to see you here. Thanks for pulling for me all along. *hugs*

    Pinky, thanks for your comment, and for standing by me while I played out some role in my head. LOL


  7. I sincerely subscribe to all six points you wrote. It is incredible how clear you write what most of us feel like. Specially number five.

    Thanks and hugs from Tr.

  8. Aww...tysm Trouble. You are amazing and I'm glad we met in SL.



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