10 September 2009

SL Friendship

This post was going to be about the Modavia fashion week that coincides with Fashion Week in NYC. But due to unforeseen events, I am not in the mood for that atm.

Tonight, someone who has meant a lot to me since the day we met has decided to leave SL. Needless to say, I'm pissed. Boys can be sooo dumb...but this one....grrrr.

I'm only being funny cos that's how I handle things that hurt. And this truly does. Bon and I sort of 'clicked' when we first met. We took turns having little crushes on each other, but, luckily, not at the same time. LOL~ Which allowed us to just become friends over time. We had our ups and downs, but managed to work through them. Or rather, Bon managed to overlook my special brand of insanity! LOL

When I was going through a difficult time, Bon was always the one who would ask how I was and give me encouragement. He'd send a quote or something that was meaningful to me. He was that kind of person. I could always count on him to brighten my day. He was like my best advocate and personal cheering squad. I think I healed and started smiling again because of Bon and knowing he was on the grid...pulling for me and me pulling for him. When he said he was leaving, as I suspected a few weeks ago, I just cried like a big baby. Some people leave and you know you'll miss them. Others leave and it's like something breaks a bit inside. This is one of those breaking ones.

So, tonight, another friend leaves the grid. This is the part of SL friendships I hate. Yes, people leave us in RL, but usually we have a forwarding address, a cell number, or email. In virtual worlds, that doesn't always happen. So the end is fairly abrupt. I knew Bon hadn't been happy for a while. I was just hoping he could sit it out and it would turn around for him.

Bon, if you're out there, know that you are loved and I wish you all good things. Thank you for being such a good friend. There were days when your kind words of encouragement were the only thing that kept me going. You will always have a little piece of my heart. Thanks for showing me what being a good friend is all about.


Oh...and thanks for the nekky pics!! mmmmmhmmmm! LMAO~


I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

Remember all the good times that we had

We let them slip away from us when things got bad

Clearly I first saw you, smiling in the sun

I want to feel your warmth upon me, I want to be the one

I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

I'm so tired,I can't sleep

Standin' on the edge of something much too deep

It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word

We are screaming inside, we can't be heard

I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to lose

Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose

Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night

Gave me everything he had, oh he gave me life

And I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

I will remember you

Will you remember me?

Don't let your life pass you by

Weep not for the memories

Weep not for the memories


  1. Joonie, your post along with the pic and song is so sad. Life comes with loss I know but SL seems particularly loss-prone.

    Hope the pain is short and the good memories long; he is lucky to have known you.

    Big hugs to you Joon!
    xoxo, PDV

  2. *hugs* Joonie... he's a remarkable man and I miss him like crazy. I wish I could have been the good that kept him here. And I ache with you.

    Message me if you wish.

    *big hugs*


  3. This Bon guy sounds like a lucky guy. His SLife included two of the most extraordinary people in either life.


  4. Joonie, you and I have chatted about the love/aggravation relationship we had with Bon. Now I feel more the love and miss the aggravation so much. Damn Bon, left us high and dry :'(

  5. Hardest thing about SL is when the really GREAT friends you've made decide to leave.

    A part of you goes with them too, I think.


  6. Thanks everyone. I know I share the pain with a few of you, and those of you who have lost someone you care about in SL understand it.

    People leave SL for their own personal reasons. I know I need to respect that, but at the moment, I just want to strangle him. LOL

    Damn I miss seeing his name pop up on my screen...

    Now when's that party, Eva? ;-)


  7. Commiserating with all of you for the missing.

    *hugs all of you*

  8. thank you, Elora. Nice to see you here =) *hugs*


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