22 September 2009

New AM Radio Sim - Surface

No better day on the grid than when AM Radio puts together another sim. I've followed AM for a long, long time and each installment ... well, I'm starting to finally think I'm getting it. LOL Lots of outs in that sentence.

These pics will not do it justice, but are just a few to entice you to check it out. And the best part...well you'll see. :)


a new SIM by AM Radio., hosted by

[Join the open enrollement group IDIA Events to discover more events like this one!]

Particpate directly to create @ Surface by adding your own creative input. A simple external editor allows you to edit textures and leave your mark. Click on the can of spraypaint to begin!

I am also giving away a low prim, sculpty version of the wheat plot for free during the event!.

Please accept the attachment.
So I did accept the attachment and tried to tp there, only to be told I didn't have access. LOL It didn't open to the public until 6pm SLT. Talk about building anticipation and exitement! Those folks at IDIA know what they're doing! ;)

Second Notecard:

a new SIM by AM Radio., hosted by


This sim brings a familiar setting with a new layout, a nod to the old, and a welcoming of a new idea in SecondLife.

Particpate directly in creating Surface by adding your own creative input. A simple external editor allows you to edit textures and leave your mark.

I am also giving away a low prim, sculpty version of the wheat plot for free during the event.

public access begins:


So I tp'd in @ 6pm, after trying unsuccessfully earlier in the day, and this is what I saw.

Ahh....a train! What a surprise! ;)

Another shot of me looking back down the tracks. No one I know anymore.
Ohhh...what's this? Spray paint?
Oh well, another one of AM's accoutrements. Oh look..another shot of the train!
This is my fave pic. Contrast is nice and I can imagine hearing the train late at night as I lay in bed at my grandmother's house.

Wait...that train isn't going anywhere without the engine....
And this is where we have an opportunity to be a part of the sim....
Grab that can of spray paint and get started!

There are some really incredible designs and others more like the one I made. LOL But it's fun and creative and all are posted on flickr, anonymously.

The man. The myth. The legend. AM Radio ;-)

So get your urban artist on and have fun decorating, creating, and being a part of AM's new sim, Surface.

Here's the LM to Surface. Everything is provided for you. Just click that can! Now gooo! Say whatever you want. Let it all out. You'll be glad you did! LOL

Hugs! And thanks, AM, once again.

Check out the flickr site...amazing images



  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/42726281@N03/39486262

  2. I was unable to view this link. I don't have permission to view it.


  3. Joonie, awesome installation per usual for AM Radio. I love the interactivity of this one, but even more I love your evocative photos. They are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Love you JJ!

  4. The pictures are excellent. I enjoy the view of trains in this setting and like the fact that it allows for personal interaction and creativity from everyone else. I chance to interact with a work of art. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  5. Thanks Pinky and Sal! =)

    I hope you had the chance to go check it out. So cool! I want to see your art!


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