27 September 2009

A Little Bit of Everything

I have been a very bad girl. Very bad. Wanna spank me? Too bad. I'm not THAT kind of a bad girl! LOL I should say I've been a bad blogger. You know, when you have all these ideas running around in your head and so none of it gets done? I've been taking these pics over the last few days, creating each blog that would go with each pic...but now I'm just too lazy and confused to figure it all out.

So ladies and gents of the blogging community....I give you....my very own special blog mess!
Let's begin! LOL

Okay, this one was taken around May I think. I had this awesome idea to go take pics around SL at all the Springtime sims. I'd also do a fashion spread. But nope...this is all you get. Me and Pinky hanging out on some Springtime sim. I suck.

The next two are of me doing what I love to do...take pics of myself! LOL
I have no idea what you are talking about! Me? Vain? pfft! And what do you mean Joonie isn't really me? Then who is she? Is too!

This was taken while listening to Grace McDunnough. I looked down and there was this quote carved in stone and I loved it! Gave me hope, you know? We all need a little hope now and then.

Okay, I had every intention of going to the Fashion Week in SL hosted by Modavia, but I only made it to one ramp walk...for Digit Darkes. The pics aren't the greatest cos my draw distance was too low. Hopefully you can make something out of this! LOL

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My fave dress of the show. Stunning really. If I had a reason to wear it, I would buy it in a sec!
Hmmm....I guess I could wear it when I'm with my bf, Music. hmmm?? Maybe he would play my fave song if I showed up like this!

On with my great ideas and plans. Here I'm doing a blog post on Spring/Summer ending and Fall beginning. Nice thot. Dunno what I was going to say exactly. Hope you like the pic! LOL

Ah yes.....these were to be my Fall pics. So, okay...here they are. My Fall pics. Dunno what I was going to say about Fall. Hmm...I think again I was going to showcase some Fall fashions. Now I don't remember where I bought any of this stuff. I suck as a Fashionista, too. *cries*

And these are .... just me playing with different shots and light settings. Nothing much to say other than...erm....Go Tigers! huh? *shrugs*

This is my friend, Bliss. She is insane. She took me on this crazy tp'ing adventure all over the grid so she could find hair and skin she saw in an ad at some store. This is me tired and my feet hurting.

Closeup of Bliss. Doesn't she look divine. I was lamenting on my inability to look like the vixen she is. My look is more innocent girl next door...doncha think?

She didn't find exactly what she was looking for, but she did manage to find new hair and skin. I told her I know I have the right skin and hair when I want to do myself. She agreed. This is her in afterglow. /me nods.

And this is me cursing her with intense jealousy at her ability to pull off the dark, mysterious look. I'll just go suck on my lollipop. *sigh*

That's it, kids. There is one little part I left out. It was too perfect to share. And very special.
Hugs to my friend, Trouble. =)

Have an awesome week everyone! *smooches*


  1. You do not suck! As a blogger or a fashionista! lol. You're awesome at being you. And I love the pics :)

  2. Aimee! Thanks so much. It's so good to see you here again. Email me sometime, k? I want to know how you are. Hugz!

  3. Joonie!! You don't suck at anything. This blog post had me laughing out loud several times. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics and your wonderful sense of humor. Your blog is like no one else's, and that is a verrrry good thing.

    Love you long time!


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