27 October 2009

Happy Birthday Crighton!

Sometimes it's not about me. Shock huh?! And today was one of those days. Today was my friend Crighton's RL birthday. It was about him today. YAY Big C! *hugs* Happy Birthday!

If I have one character flaw I really see stopping me from being the best me I can be, it's my sensitivity. It makes me get into a real "poor me" place that sux. lol So I have to remember it's not always about me (rarely even!) and getting my feelings hurt over some imagined or real hurt is being totally selfish and self-centered. Yuck!

So to any of you I have been this way with, I apologize. I hope you didn't get any on you! LOL

Isn't it fun growing up in front of people!? :P

Hugs !!

...and happy birthday, C. Hope you had a blast! <3


  1. Great post Joonie, and I love the new blog title! Sensitivity is not a bad thing. Sensitive people rarely miss things and are consious of what is going on around them and there is far too little of that in all worlds. Unfortunately, you have to live in a world dominated by the insensitive majority and that is not easy sometimes.

    Happy Birthday to Crighton. He is lucky to have the gift of your friendship!
    xoxo to you JJ!

  2. Awwww...thank you so much, Joonie. I really appreciate it. And, it's always about you!! Cause we loves ya! *big hugs* I had a good night. Sadly, I'm usually so worn out by 8pm my time, I'm about half asleep...lol. But it was okay. ;-)

  3. Crighton...you're only as old as you feel. Should I get that walker out now? LOL



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