31 October 2009

In Memory of Kipper

My sweet boy died today. It was sudden and unexpected. He will be terribly missed.
He was just pure love.

Goodbye, my sweet sweet boy.


  1. ooooooooooooh nooooo.....I'm so sorry. We just went through that. I'm so so sorry, Joonie. *hugs* He looks like a sweet and loving guy. I know what you're going through. :-(

  2. Awww..Joonie, I'm so sorry! *hug* He looks so adorable!! *hugs you tightly*

  3. I am so sorry for your loss Joonie. He looks like a great best friend. *hugs*


  4. OH dear, I am sooo sooo sorry! Losing a furbie is losing a member of your family and so hard. Big Hugs!

  5. He was just the sweetest thing. A big mush ball of love. When he showed up at our house, he was so skinny and full of ticks and fleas and burrs. He turned into the best doggie ever.

    thank you all so much. xo

  6. Oh NO! I am so sorry and I had no idea when I saw you. Awwwwww :-(


  7. Ohh !! Joonie so sorry, I lost my childhood doggie last year at 17, the hardest thing I have had to endure . :'(

  8. thanks Wildstar. *hugs*

    Papaya, I didn't want to bring it up and be a pooey on Halloween. :D But just seeing you and getting that RL hug made things better.

  9. Awe Joonie... I sympathize with you soo much. He looked like a lovely doggie. God bless his loving heart. Hugzzz, Yordie

  10. I'm so sorry Joonie :( Dogs and cats are such wonderful friends. I'm sure he gave you a lot of love over the years.
    Big hugs xoxox aimee

  11. aww Eva...I'm sorry about your doggie, too. The become such a big part of us. *hugs*

    Thank you Yordie. He was a sweetie. *hugs*

    Aimee, I was thinking about you earlier today and wondering how you were. Thanks for the sweet comment. *hugs*

  12. OMG I am so sorry. I lost my 15 year old westie 3 years ago and I still miss him. Hugs to you my friend.

  13. Thanks Lizzie. Sorry to hear about your westie. =(

  14. Joonie, I'm so sorry. My 16-year-old Dewey Cat died two years ago and I STILL cry sometimes. And my 10-year-old hermit crab died last weekend. People have been having a field day making fun of my grief, but I loved the little guy.

    It HURTS so bad when a pet dies, but it was such a wonderful gift to have them around, huh?

    I believe there's a reason that "dog" is "God" spelled backwards. All the dogs I have had the pleasure of knowing have made my life so damn awesome.

    *hugs you tight*

  15. Aww, so so sorry! Big hugs! I hope he's happy somewhere in dog heaven - afterall, I think they deserve one much more than we humans do.

  16. I'm reading this late but also wanted to give hugs. My cat died this summer, and he was at my side for 23 years. It's truly like a member of the family. :(

  17. Emerald - thank you so much. Sorry to hear about your hermit crab...and your Dewey Cat :( hugs

    Bitter - thanks and I agree with your statement about heaven. And also...where the hell have you been? :P *hugs*

    Krissy - I'm sorry about your cat. 23 years is a long time. They witness us going through all kinds of changes and become that one steadfast thing in our lives. *hugs*

    Thank you all so much. I'm doing better and your kind words helped me move forward. *group hug* !!

  18. I am so sorry. I am sure he'll keep loving you as much as you loved him forever.


  19. Trouble, you are so sweet. Thank you so much. =) *hugs* xo


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