06 November 2009

#1 of 365

I read about what Ches is doing on her blog - here - and knew I wanted...no needed.. to try this:

Chesnut writes:

Why would someone do this? The idea is to keep a photo journal of your life, recording the things you have done, your feelings and moods. A huge side benefit of the project is it forces you to improve your photography skills. Doing a project 365 Days in SL provides me an incentive to explore so I don't end up posting 300 photos of me standing in my sky box, which seems to be where I spend most of my time lately.

Some days I expect my 365 days will include words and maybe even music. Other days my posts will just be a photo. It is a huge commitment to post every day for a year and it means I have to at least pop into SL every day, which believe it or not I don't always do. I am sure I will miss out some days or in a time I may post a red-faced "365 Days? No idea what you are talking about." We shall see, won't we?

I've been in a slump since my dog died and nothing seemed interesting enough to write about. But this would be simple and I could write as much or as little as I wanted. Hope you try it, too.

Sounds easy enough! I'm a few days behind, as usual, but better late than never...so you try it, too! Let Chesnut Rau know if you are joining us so we can follow along.

So let's begin!

“Do You Have Any Advice For Those of Us Just Starting Out?"
Ron Koertge

Give up sitting dutifully at your desk. Leave
your house or apartment. Go out into the world.

It's all right to carry a notebook but a cheap
one is best, with pages the color of weak tea
and on the front a kitten or a space ship.

Avoid any enclosed space where more than
three people are wearing turtlenecks. Beware
any snow-covered chalet with deer tracks
across the muffled tennis courts.

Not surprisingly, libraries are a good place to write.
And the perfect place in a library is near an aisle
where a child a year or two old is playing as his
mother browses the ranks of the dead.

Often he will pull books from the bottom shelf.
The title, the author's name, the brooding photo
on the flap mean nothing. Red book on black, gray
book on brown, he builds a tower. And the higher
it gets, the wider he grins.

You who asked for advice, listen: When the tower
falls, be like that child. Laugh so loud everybody
in the world frowns and says, "Shhhh."

Then start again.


  1. There is no behind! Anyone can do this whenever they like. Sign up for the open flickr group if you like and share what you do. http://www.flickr.com/groups/secondlife365days/pool/

    Or not. Whatever works for you.

    I am thrilled you are doing this with us. You take lovely photos Joonie.

  2. aww....thanks Ches. I love it so far! lol Remind me I said that on Day 100.

    Thanks for the flickr link. =)


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