09 October 2009

New (to me) Music

I'm in the Tunes in SLgroup, so I received this msg from the group creator, Crap Mariner. It read:

Saw this in a Tweet by Jura Shepherd... Kafka Dinzeo aka MicRocka is one of the few Hip-Hop performers in SL, has free CD available at http://microcka.com/ ... check it out, folks. Thanks, -ls/cm

Since I always do what Crap says, I immediately went to the site. I'm glad I did. Hope to see him in SL live soon. Until then, check out the cool vid! And if you haven't joined Tunes inSL, I suggest you do so NOW! Also, if you haven't been to TRAX yet, get yourselves over there. Awesome way to find new musicians and your faves and listen to a bit of their music, join their group, or learn more about them through facebook, twitter, or their own website.

Enjoy! =) (oh, and turn the music off at the bottom of this page first!)

Littlest Things (Remix) from Aenea Nori on Vimeo.


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