10 October 2009

SLoth & Other Things

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I have a few things on my mind, so of course, I'm going to blog them. But I'm not sure how to wrap them all together in a cohesive post.

I'll start with SLoth. As some of you know, I quit my job a few months ago. I was really excited about the opportunities this gave me. I had visions of finally putting my studio together and painting into the wee hours of the night. I looked forward to working out again in the mornings and getting back in touch with me RL. I wanted to read more books, catch up on people, play with my dogs again, and just live my life...the real one, the one in meatspace.

But nooooo. I would wake up with the best of intentions. And do part of my list above. But then my laptop would call to me. No really...it called my name.....Jooooooonie, come plaaaay. So I vowed to not get on the computer till after chores and meditation and doggies and stuff were done. I even closed the laptop and closed the door to the office.

But my meditations were about SL and then nothing got done. I would log in under the pretense of just checking ims and notecards, but once I was there, my day was shot. SLoth, plain and simple. It's like drinking, I'm okay as long as I don't take that first drink...but after that...it's all or nothing. One drink is too many and a milllion drinks isn't enough.

Emerald Wynn wrote an interesting post on her blog, Emerald's Eyes, where she talked about taking a break from logging in. She obviously isn't as SLothful as me. Does anyone else have this problem? You would think, after 3 years, I would have weaned myself by now. I admit, I'm not as compulsive as I used to be. No more 3am nights. I do remember to eat now. LOL That's why I need to workout! Do you feel like a loser being in SL a lot? Or are you having the time of your SLife?

The other topic I want to talk about...I think I'll save for another day. It's more important to me and deserves its own post.

Thanks for reading! =)

1 comment:

  1. I love the word SLoth, and I think it is perfect!! It is an interesting phenomenon, and I don't think it's just SL. It can be daytime TV, video games, romance novels, anything where we can put our mind that is comfortable.

    If I quit my job tomorrow, I know what I would hope I would do...groom my dogs everyday, take a class of some sort, exercise, read all those classics I've been putting off, play my guitar...

    What would I really do? Surf the web, read meaningless magazines, play solitaire, watch TV. I think it's human nature, but I don't know what the answer is. You would think that if we had all the time in the world, we would do things we say we love.

    But maybe you just love SL--not that there is anything wrong with that! :D As long as you can go to bed at night and think that you've spent the day somewhat productively, learned something, helped someone, heard some good music, talked to a friend, seen some beauty...that's a good day.

    The thing you have going for you Joonie is that you are conscious and you are willing to ask the questions. That can only lead to good things.

    Love your blog, love you!


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