18 October 2009

My 3 year Rez Day!

I could go on and on about my 3 yrs in SL, but if you've read my blog at all, you know I go on and on about it in almost every post. So instead, I'll just share a little bit about the last few days or so.

This morning, I hung out with a few of my friends. That's what SL is all about for me these days...friendship. And I have the best! You might think you do, but ya don't. I do.

This is Aeryn. One of my best and oldest (sorry) friend in SL. I love her dearly. And she's crazy, which makes me feel better. ;-)

My other bff, Pinky. She's trying to tell my fortune to see what the next year will bring...looks a bit fuzzy. *peers in closer*
Ask again later. Signs point to yes. Reply hazy, try again. Concentrate and ask
again. Cannot predict now. Yes. It is decidedly so. Most likely. My
sources say no. Outlook good. Outlook not so good. You may rely on it. Without a
doubt. As I see it, yes. Better not tell you now. Very doubtful. Yes,
definitely. It is certain. Most likely. My reply is no. Don't count on it.
Yep, those answers apply to most of my SLife!

And last but not least, just to prove I have wonderful and supportive friends...this.

Rez day wishes from my friend, Eva. LMAO! Right back atcha!
I might write something a bit more introspective and "wise" but let's hope not!
Here's to .... not 3 more but maybe one more year.


  1. Joonie, awesome pics and post. HAPPY REZ DAY!!!!!

    That crystal ball says "Outlook good" all over the place!

    Love you JJ!

  2. Happy Rezday Joonie :) I'm so glad we met there!

  3. Thanks Pinky :) hugs!

    Aimee....thank you. That means a lot to me. I feel the same way. I just wish you hadn't left! hugs! Love ya Aimee :)

  4. happy 3rd Rez Day... amazing! In SLyears, that's like 12 or 15 years. keep on blogging girl. hugzzz, yordie


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